I liked Do Not Touch a lot, but everything else was just alright. Moonlight Sunrise and Set Me Free are their weakest title tracks, and I was a bit disappointed when the album dropped. Ready To Be is like a 5.5/10 in my opinion, not bad, but nothing really special. Besides Got The Thrills, which was really good. I feel the same way about Jihyos new album, it's alright. I didn't like Hare Hare at first, but it's grown to be one of my favorite tracks.
I'm not really a fan of Twices more mature-ish comebacks. Like, I'm fine with them not going back to their super cutesy songs like Knock Knock or Likey, but I still think the members do better in brighter concepts. A song doesn't have to be cute to be a bright concept. Twices 2022 releases were very good in my opinion. Celebrate is their best Japanese title track and TTT is their second best title track in my opinion. Pop was also very amazing in my opinion and I liked Just be Yourself, although not as much as the other titles i mentioned. Even their 2021 releases were really good, except I didn't like the Perfect World Album that much. I know they probably like the more mature sound better but idk some members looked a bit awkward doing it.
I still stan Twice, but they went from being my ultimate favorite artist ever, to being another group I stan. After this years releases they stopped being my special interest really (and especially after the Chae situation). I was thinking after TTT they were gonna go for a sound that sounded like Fromis9 (songs like DM, We go, Feel Good) but I didn't expect Set Me Free. But then again I didn't expect their 2020 releases too. I get what you mean when you say Twices 2023 releases have been meh. Maybe I'll become more interested if JeongMo get solos.