You're in your KPL/Lateris era and I hate it
im in my haerin era and i love it
You're in your KPL/Lateris era and I hate it
im in my haerin era and i love it
I don't even need to say anything cuz mhj hater traitor tokkis keep getting trolled by the girls themselves 😌
Not belift themselves calling illit flops
What about the other 2?
Rose what did u do
Its ok we have haerin
I just like her so much, I can't help but keep on making haerin thread 🥺
That is still releasing these newjeans variety show zine contents
I was painfully starving due to lack of newjeans content
And as always Haerin looking the most prettiest cutest gorgeous lovely girl in kpop
Display More"Min Hee-jin, Blatant Lies... Also Discussed Ways to Remove NewJeans," Chairman Park Jeong-gyu's Determined Revelation
"I was shocked to hear that I had never received any investment and had never met with any investors. Min Hee-jin is telling a blatant lie. We discussed investment for 3 hours and even talked about how to get New Jeans out."
Park Jeong-gyu, the chairman of Dabolink, who met with former CEO Min Hee-jin at the end of September last year to discuss establishing a new company and even presented specific plans for raising funds, gave an interview to Ten Asia. This is the first time that Chairman Park has met with the press and specifically explained the investment-related conversations he had with former CEO Min under his own name.
When we met at a location in Seoul on the 7th, Chairman Park Jeong-gyu complained that since former CEO Min denied having met him, he has become a liar and suffered damages such as a drop in stock price. Chairman Park raised his voice, saying that former CEO Min's denial of meeting him was an absurd lie.
◆"Min Hee-jin also knew about the 5 billion investment proposal"
According to Chairman Park, he received the investment request from former CEO Min around the end of August last year, and Mr. B, the eldest uncle of Group New Jeans member A, served as a bridge.
"I got a call from Mr. B while I was playing golf on a Sunday in late August. He said I had to meet him today. He said he would wait in front of my house. I met him in front of my house at around 9 p.m. When I heard him talking, he asked me to invest 5 billion won in former Chairman Min. When he suddenly asked me to invest 5 billion won, I said I couldn't do it. It was a big risk and I couldn't decide on it right away. I met him again the next day. I made a counteroffer. I said we should structure it by taking Dabolink instead. I thought we could secure enough investment funds by utilizing the capital market. I also made a decision to make a profit. After hearing that, Mr. B called former Chairman Min on speakerphone right then and there. As soon as Min Hee-jin answered the phone, she asked, 'Did you hear about your father's story?' That means she knew. It is clear that Min Hee-jin knew about the 5 billion won investment proposal." The meeting between Chairman Park and former Chairman Min took place on September 30. Former Chairman Min and Mr. B gathered at Chairman Park’s house. The photo released by a media outlet saying that Chairman Park and Min Hee-jin were discussing investment-related matters was taken that day. According to Chairman Park, the purpose of the meeting that day was to discuss how to transfer Dabolink to former Chairman Min and how to procure the necessary funds.
Chairman Park proposed to former Chairman Min to acquire Dabolink. The plan was for Mr. B to take the lead in acquiring Dabolink and then hand over actual management rights to former Chairman Min. Chairman Park explained how to procure the funds for the Dabolink acquisition and explained that it would be possible to secure the necessary funds for the entertainment business through a capital increase. Chairman Park would sell Dabolink to former Chairman Min and make a profit by selling his stake. Chairman Park proposed to former Chairman Min a plan that would benefit him while avoiding investment risks.
◆ Plans to take out New Jeans also discussed
Chairman Park and former Chairman Min discussed a plan to take New Jeans out of Adore. Chairman Park explained that former CEO Min first asked, "Can I take New Jeans out?" and said, "I thought that in order to take those members out, I would have to throw them away first. I asked him, 'If I don't give up and try to take everything, who would let it go?' I even advised Min Hee-jin that if she left Adore, the company's value would fall, and that would be the only way she could eventually take New Jeans out."
◆Why did Chairman Park Jeong-gyu and former CEO Min Hee-jin turn their backs on each other?
Chairman Park said that former CEO Min talked about herself for more than 70% of the three-hour conversation. A significant portion of it was about her conflict with Hive and her complaints about Chairman Bang Si-hyuk. Chairman Park said, "When he called Chairman Bang 'a pig XX' in front of someone I just met, I thought, 'This isn't the right person.' Isn't that just basic manners? I explained what I had planned, but I had a feeling that it wouldn't work out."
As a result, it seems that Chairman Park and former CEO Min did not agree on specific investment methods. The problem is what happened after that. Chairman Park later stated that he was annoyed by former CEO Min’s evasion of the idea that he had “never met with investors.” It is interpreted that the stock price fluctuated as the meeting between the two became known to the investment industry. Some analyze that the method proposed by Chairman Park is not a simple form of receiving investment, so it may be difficult for former CEO Min to easily accept the proposal.
◆Min Hee-jin still denies investor contact rumors
This magazine first interviewed Chairman Park at the end of last year. After interviewing Chairman Park, we requested confirmation of the facts from former CEO Min Hee-jin. Regarding this, former CEO Min’s side stated, “We would like to clarify that Chairman Park Jeong-gyu’s claims regarding former CEO Min Hee-jin are completely untrue,” and “Former CEO Min has never discussed investment with Chairman Park Jeong-gyu and has never proposed investment.” In order to hear additional explanations, our paper met Chairman Park again on the 7th and conducted an additional interview. This was to ensure the right to object, as both sides were telling completely different stories. However, there is a part of former Chairman Min’s position that does not conform to common sense. He even denies that he “met” with Chairman Park. This is analyzed as being closely related to legal responsibility. Former Chairman Min has been particularly sensitive to the “investor contact theory.” This is because former Chairman Min’s meeting with external investors as an internal director while in office at Adore could be one of the elements of a breach of trust. Breach of trust is not simply a matter of planning, but of actual execution. It is in the same context that former Chairman Min has expressed his “de-hive” plan as “company employee dissatisfaction.” Former Chairman Min’s act of meeting Chairman Park to discuss investment and asking about ways to get New Jeans out could be an element of a breach of trust. The fact that he conspired to bring out the members of New Jeans, which was confirmed in the conversation with Chairman Park, is also circumstantial evidence supporting the suspicion of tampering.
On April 26th of last year, Hive filed a criminal complaint against former Chairman Min for breach of trust. The investigation is still ongoing. In the meantime, the materials obtained during Hive’s audit of former Chairman Min were the subject of controversy. Former Chairman Min’s side argued that there was no specific evidence of breach of trust. This is why the conversation that former Chairman Min had with Chairman Park can play a ‘key role’ in the investigation and future trial. This is because this meeting was an act that was carried out. Whether former Chairman Min acted in a way that violated the principle of good faith as a member of Adore and whether it ultimately caused damage to Adore can also be issues in determining whether breach of trust was committed.
Nobody's reading all that
And isn't dabolink connected with hybe anyways so who's gonna believe what a bang piggy's bestie is saying