Posts by SandyBee3

    i don't have sentiments about groups I don't listen to. If i've listened some of their songs and they didn't click, i don't bother further. The difference between us is that i'm also aware I'm in no position to give my opinion on those groups' music and concepts and philosophies :)

    Hmm I think assuming that this is a strategy is better than calling mismanagement a strategy.

    But I can apologize, I think I was to harsh in here. I wanted to express something but seemed to have failed sorry for that.

    You can react the way you want but stop telling others what they should do.

    You came out here saying why others didn't "call out" OP rather than doing so yourself.

    You aren't the one to decide what people should respond. The ones who felt it was unnecessary, did so.

    Stop derailing this thread now that you have made your point.

    I did call out OP. How am I derailing the Thread ? I’m on topic, OP mentioned Big3 Artist not being humble enough etc etc. so I can comment on that. It’s not like I came up with a topic not related to the OP.

    You tell me not to tell others what to do so don’t tell me what to do either :-)

    BTS's main "concept" has always been singing about personal things. I know it's difficult to understand, but it's not the marketing gimmick some of you like to turn it into. They write about things that are personal and dear to them and if you consider this "safe". you know nothing about what it means to unfold yourself so bare in front of millions. How dismissive.

    It works for them because a lot of people are drawn to honesty. They don't sing about "social awareness" because it's the woke thing to do and it works; It works because people relate to it, to them. The causality is different and it's an important distinction to make.

    I hope you have that sentiment for other Groups too :-)

    Not twisting my narrative, I just went more into details lol.

    And no not retroactively. It’s a process of observing. A group doesn’t debut and hits the jackpot, they switch genres, concepts etc until they find what seems to work for them. They than stick to it, cause this is safe for them. If you have a problem with the word “safe” we can use another word, that’s what came to my mind so I used it.

    Also saying that they can’t sing about whatever they want doesn’t mean that what they released isn’t what they wanted to sing. They definitely have to get a greenlight by BH first and I doubt they would let them release whatever, it has to fit their image. And this doesn’t just apply to BTS.

    Tbh I don’t think you want to understand me, I’m pretty sure you already decided to disagree with me anyway, no matter what I say. So let’s call it a day.

    It has as nothing to do with me not liking your post, I simply completly disagree with you and I think you are talking about things you don't know well, that is BTS songs and their motivations. What would be something out of caracter for them according to you?

    Isn't the fact Red velvet release songs with different concepts something that matches with their image tough? Have they not released "experimental songs" since the beginning?

    You are not really consistant in your argumentation. First you said playing safe means singing about a theme that has worked before and now you expend your defintion to "not being out of characrter".

    It is funny how you make claims but are enable to explain further. You said BTS can't sing about what they want but you can't provide exemple of how they are being restricted.

    Let’s agree to disagree have a nice day

    Why you kept trying to make it about you, Sandy? You’ve been in BTS related threads all day, shading and stuffs, aren’t you tired?

    I usually like your post because you’re honest but now it feels like you are purposely trying to get attention or something? Come on, let’s stream Rose’s album, and hype her music show performances.

    OP straight out shaded Big3 Artist and you are surprised about this reaction?

    I wouldn’t even had commented in here if he wouldn’t have done that lol.