Posts by killingtime1934
u the companies salivating for that tour money
this is so fucking ghetto girl...
I do love being right
raining here (in summer)
its so over
that meteor can't come any sooner
Imo it’s the 2mil that was fake
(This is not a dig at IVE)
But rather how Spotify streaming is extremely inflated.
IMO this doesn’t prove who is bigger intentionally at all. It just proves who can rig the system better.
IVE are able to tour really well internationally THIS is the proof that they are good internationally.
If their tour drops off along with streams then we can say they declined. But right now they are at an all time high.
Idk the hype for eleven - love dive was huge, it baddie that kill Ive international charting, the same happen with gidle and that song that come after queencard whose name I don't even remember
Like I said they tour already and it did nothing, same for aespa (USA wise). Touring is the most effective way a group can re-gain/gain more footing and if that do nothing, nothing else will
Starship will have too book bigger places for them, but a thing I notice is 4th ggs doesn't seem to do that (at least the one sthat tour), its companies don't believe they can book bigger places. And we'll all I've will go lately is tour now that they are debuting a new gg
You are the one saying that Ive international career ended, not me. Ive have nothing to prove anymore. They succeeded in every area already and it's laughable that k-pop stans think any minimum decrease can lead to their whole trajectory being downplayed when Ive is ahead of other ggs in multiple categories with an increasing gap. Goes back to what I was saying about every negative opinion about them here being wishful thinking.
going to 2m streams to 600k is not minimun, its a generous decrease and people point out gg weakness all the time, ive one is international charting, same as gidle (and that include japan bc ive isnt charting in apple music that is powered by japan)
they have already tour, like gidle and even then that doesnt seem to help them
they have the most paks like gidle and they fall in other categories like as them, they are parallel
Love g idle but let's not compare Ive to them internationally or any other group actually. Idle didn't had the likes of A list model Heidi Klum attending their concert overseas or A list actress jodie foster personally meeting them at fkin kcon. Just the fact that these established celebs are aware of the group and took their time to see them show that Ive have strong recognition in the west. Nearly every international achievement Ive already been there done that before it was even considered possible 4th gen regardless of current charting.
Some k-pop stans only got their faves doing it now and are getting brave
so ive carrer international ended in 2023? thats short lived
curiusly gidle stop charting well around that time too, what is the common denominator there?
Did their international charting also recovered ?
and that is enough for them, they are not a group that need anything outside korea
bad mediaplay, spotify charting and youtuve ads to waste
Wow illiteracy is a real problem on allkpop forum
Cuz how can someone say " no US promo in 2024 " and people talk about better things and coachella which happen in 2023 and the year before 😑😑
But well it was expected from aespa haters who have struggle to read only when they see "aespa"
Their Hyperline concert ended in September 2023
And in june 2024 they started they parallel line concert tour and for the moment only the Asian stops and australia happen
The western stop for the tour started in january 2025
So they already tour the USA and their numbers there are still the same
U Said it, aespa already debut in America to, they released English songs, it been done, they are not new there by any means
I guess that promo they have before 2024, the English singles etc etc were mass hallucinations
Maybe they were for sm like the money they lost for it
There were already rumors of their comeback in March weeks before in different media and their world tour too, besides one cannot magically decide a date so soon, all the music, art, merch, concepts, choreographies and so on must be prepared months in advance, so probably that date was already decided internally months before because they have to adjust the dates according to the tour, to organize a world tour sometimes is required up to a year in advance for the rental of the venues where they will perform, permits and so on.
right? tookies didnt even new waht nj were up to yesterday (aside from being sued like 4445756 times), lsfrm had news about cmb, april promo and world tour since jan