No don't think they are company stans. Cause many of them don't like bang pd or hybe cause they think that they don't treat bts good enough. I just think that in this whole mhj vs hypb fight they are more pro hybe cause bts money and connections were used to promote nj and now nj is painted as a victim that never got promoted well or didn't benefit from hybe. At the same time all hybe groups including bts get dragged. And I think armys don't like that.
Posts by madchen123
I don't hear it. There are so many songs with this type of beat.
Vocals never really matterd much in the music industry. If they did Selene Gomez and Taylor Swift wouldn't be as popular as they are and Madonna wouldn't be queen of pop. Music quality and it facator are alot more important. But it still would be good if hybe focused more on vocals. It's better for the artists.
These old jobless hags seriously need to stop being this jobless.
The comments are so bain dead my god.
Who cares?
This is such a non-issue.
The comments the girls get from knetz and i-fans has nothing to do with crititisism anymore. But guess people think otherwise expept it's about their faves
. Majority of kpop stans are just obsessed mentally ill bullys. I hope they don't let the hate affect them too much especially with the second performance which is around the corner. I feel bad for them. Especially Eunchae who gets so many hate comments on insta. I can't even imagine how this much hate would affect me if I was her age. Like the hate makes me so anxious for the girls and I dont even stan them or really care about them. Dont wanna know how the fans feel.
The performance wasn't very good but it wasn't that bad either to receive this much hate.
People just use the oppurtunity to hate on them. And no I have nothing against constructive crititisism. But hyping up knetz comments bullying the girls with thousands of likes and bullying a literal child (eunchae is 17) just has nothing to do with critisism anymore. But hey MeNtAl HeAlTh Is ImPoRtaNt. No seems like you don't give a f*** if it's not about your faves. Also the circlejerk a certan fandom is having on x is just ridiculous. "Only xx should be allowed to perfom on cochella". As if their faves aren't very mediocre vocalsists themselves. No your faves aren't Mariah carey or beyonce and they also have bad vocal performanes in their career. Anyways hope the girls don't take the hate to much to heart and improve themselves.
Talent means nothing when the music sucks. Hope they get better songs.
People are so obsessed with making shit up. Some of yall need to go out and have some kind of life other than iniciating fanwars.
His songs are not good.