Posts by madchen123
She looks like debut Jungkook with a wig.
I don't think going to the club is that serious. Pretty sure lots of idols do it. I just think his innocent cute boy image is kinda ruined with this video being spread.
I kind of really feel sorry for him.
Their careers are over.
I feel sorry for him. I can't imagine how painful it must feel to get hate for something you love doing and can't change. And not only for him but all idols getting hate for stuff like that.
He knows better than anyone else that he's not the best singer especially live. But people can still like his voice and be drawn by performance and dance.
In pop music it's never really been about vocals. Madonna is the queen of pop while not being the best singer. There are probably thousands of better singers out there but they don't have the artistry and it factor like she had.
And like crazy is really a good song. Can't get it out my mind since days.
Hope the hate doesn't affect him.
I have fancy dresses which I wear once a year on special ocasions so I don't really wash them often. But I wash my causal clothes very often. I can't understand how you can't wash your clothes. And if you wash your clothes carefully it does not matter how often you wash them cause they stay in good condition.
I've read the manhwa many years ago and it was really good. It's about the pressure of growing up and becoming an adult. Very heartbreaking. And all 3 main leads are important and cause there is no romance he isn't the typical second lead. I also can imagine jcw as a magican. Since his last dramas weren't that good I hope this drama will be good. The manhwa has very special artstyle and I really want to know how they are gonna adapt it in real life. I just hope they won't mess it up.