Dumb dumber newjeans. Good luck to them keeping on destroying their careers.
Posts by madchen123
Can't stand his musty ass but he's not wrong. It factor is what always matterd the most which is also why Madonna is the queen of pop while there were so many better vocalists than her. It still would be good if hybe cared more about vocals but it doesn't change that he's right. People only use this to push their " hybe idols are untalented" agenda as if all their faves are vocalists like Mariah Carey. Cause no they aren't and if they are popular than it's mostly because they look good or have interesting personalitys. This is just the reality of the kpop or any other entertainment industry.
At the beginning when the fake cctv came out I thought what a lying scumbag but now I feel bad for him. What he did is still bad and he absolutely deserves the punishment he receives but the media lying and spreading fake news is so disgusting. Hope all of them get sued. No human being deserves to go through such a smear campain. People were calling him the worst things possible. It seems as if the media and the anti fans want to push him to the limit until he does something to himself. Doesn't he already have depressions? I've also seen anti fans hoping he ends himself. Like what the fuck is wrong with some people? What about mental health? Or does it only matter when it's about their faves. Anyways I hope he has a good support system and doesn't take everything to much heart and stays strong.
I think he has an alcohol problem cause getting this wasted is not normal. And he also seems like someone who enjoys drinking alot like a few other bts members and other idols. Hope this is a warning sign for the other members and other idols to reduce their alcohol consumption. Also there are no benefits from drinking you only destroy your body.
I think it's deserved cause it's not that damn hard to not consume or promote McDonalds and other brands on the boycott list. And I say this as someone who used to love McDonalds but since almost one year I haven't eaten there. And aside from a few cosmetic products from L'Oréal which I haven't found a replacement for I try to avoid anything that supports Israel. I don't get how anybody can be this dumb. Does he live behind a rock or what is the reason? Or did McDonalds pay him money to post this? Of course stopping to use products on the boycott list won't stop the genocide but with his big following promoting McDonalds is just wrong. And even if he doesn't give a damn about palestine with his action he also brougt his whole band in a negative situation. Cause until how they were seen kind of neutral toward this whole situation. But now they will be seen as israel supporters.
It's just a line so cringe that it made my skin crawl.
The song is terrible and giving me a migraine. Don't think I will listen to it ever again.
The comments they get have nothing to do with critisism anymore. It's just straight up bullying and harassment. I've even seen a comment of someone accusing eunchae of having a sponsor. What has writing something disgusting like this to a freaking minor have to do with critisising their singing skills? And why are you botherd that their company is doing their job to protect their artist? It's quit pathetic. If you think they suck and can't sing just ignore them. I think the kardashians suck and that they all are untalented. I don't follow any news about them and you won't see me on twitter writing about how much they suck. I just ignore them. Cause I have a life compared to losers who have nothing better to do than harrass a minor on instagram. If anybody has reached rock bottom it's you and other losers.
Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Hybe is one of the reasons for their success. And even if it's not the only reason behind their success like armys and hybe stans make it out to be hybe money and connections had a big part in their fast success. If they debuted from a nugu company they would have never archived this. Also praising the person which is behind the hate of many hybe groups which also include minors so highly. Just stupid. Guess the girls are just young and dumb but silence sometimes is the best answer. Never bite the hand that fed you no matter how much you hate them.
NJ are done internationally. And it's all MHJ's fault. She got full of herself thinking she created the next bts or bp and not needing hybe while most if it was just hybe payola and hybe stans mostly armys streaming the music. With the amount of company push NJ got they were never even a bit mistreated. NJ is slowly going to see what real mistreatment looks like and it's not bang fatso not greeting them and illit having long black hair and similar choreography. If all of this didn't happen NJ and illit would co-exist with their own fans and hybe stans streaming their music. Would this have been this terrible and impossible?