What? I disagree.
Posts by raizcharms
Your comments are always so edgy, wow
Thank you.
Dont mind raizcharms, she has to be feeling a bit cranky these days seeing as Stray Kidz are blowing up now, amirite raizcharms?
...? 1. I could not care less about Stray Kids, so I'm not sure why you think I do, but you're probably like everyone else on here who thinks I gaf about their fav because I commented something negative once.
y'all slept on the excellence of their last release! a contemporary Christian bop!
The level of bitterness has reached near insanity in kpop these days
bitter about what exactly?
I'm fine...you?
This sounds like their second dud in a row...oh neptune
The level of mass buying has reached near insanity in kpop these days
Was not feeling this song. Some production parts were nice in the chorus, but I would never listen again. Formis usually deliver bops for me, but I'll pass this time.
Highkey tired of the 80s, but this was a cute song and nice ear cleanse after aespa.
Not really. Knetz dragged mafia in the morning despite it clearly being an easy earworm yet are seemingly eating this mess up lmao. We shall see if it's just release hype or if it lasts though.
now THIS styling is interesting
Used to use my phone, but the new forum CONSTANTLY logs me out and I don't remember this password.
900+ comments of ARMYs mostly not feeling the look, saying they've been wearing too much suits, and saying it's too similar to Dynamite's stage fits and non fans saying BTS deserve better lmao...very few are feeling it.
This is my last comment, but all I can say is the ARMYs on here would not survive if they were a korean fan thats for sure cause they keep it 100% and most know what to expect lmao
If a song does not surpass or somewhat match your peak that is an underperformance …there was only one era difference. I think ARMYs should be able to admit that it was an underperformance (Largely due to the very strange marketing and release), but also check these kpop stans that tried to claim that one underperformance was going to end their career.