Posts by anne_jay
Is it just me but I feel like there is far less users and activity in the forum compared to the old one?
It's different. The new block function is not as well thought out. It just hid their posts and threads but if someone quote their posts it will still show up.
I hope the IT/admin can further improve this function
Not everyone gives a crap about what other groups are up to. Why so many whiners in this thread?
Anyway I think the CF is just another version of what they did months ago. I also wished YG is more smart by actually letting their songs be used in their own CF (similar to Lollipop). The only CF song we get from them is Awesome Screen Awesome Camera
you can copy paste the cuties
from this thread…re-raccoon-emotes.451943/
or incase it gets deleted ive copy pasted all of them on my profile
Bookmarked. Thanks so much
Lovesick Girls
I already play that song 1300 times and I am still not bored. Love the instrumentals as well
Pepsi max but Coke for normal sugar
But in general Bundaberg is my prefered soda
Any Song deserved a daesang, it is such a pity that song is so underappreciated.
Congrats to the winners
Yes they are
The emojis are so bland in this new forum uggh