Ironing clothes...
Posts by Minkah
Only certain colour combinations.
I hate red with blue.
Some kind of baby shampoo because there's almost nothing in it. Normal shampoo makes my scalp itch.
No. We have a coalition government and the party that received the least amount of votes in the election has been running the show, dictating absolutely everything and threatening boycott every time they don't get their way. It's a travesty. The other two parties have been doing their best but they can't continue without a third partner and the way things have been going, they'll be the ones taking the blame for all the failures.
Bar any major incidents we'll no doubt end up with a right wing government next election. I just hope they won't stoop so low as to recruit the far right anti EU racists whose rhetoric the formerly centre right have increasingly been adopting.
I really liked Teddy Bear.
I was in primary school and came home just before the second plane flew into the towers. (time difference)
I remember my grandmother opening the door. She was crying, while my grandpa was in the living room, staring at the TV as if in a trance. They had both seen war and my grandpa kept saying something along the lines of they've done it, they've done it, now there's going to be war again. I didn't understand but then I saw what was on TV and I knew it was bad. I sat down on the sofa with my grandparents, my siblings came home from school one by one as well and we watched the second plane hit the towers and eventually saw the towers collapse. I was stunned. I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing, but I was terrified. I never watched footage of the attack ever again, but I still remember the pictures of the people trapped on the upper floors. What those terrorists did was pure evil.
All schools should have uniforms imo.
Nothing gets you bullied more quickly than not being able to afford the latest fashion trends.
With a uniform you still won't have the right backpack or phone or brand of school supplies etc. but you at least won't look too different from the better off students. My school years would have been a lot easier had we had uniforms.
If rules apply to both sexes I also don't see anything discriminatory about a dress code. Nobody is being singled out and it's school, not the beach.
I'm not allowed to wear crop tops to work either and that's perfectly fine. It's just common sense.
Blonde is nobody's colour imo. Everyone looks instantly better with darker hair, including the vast majority of natural blondes.
Agreed. Unless I'm just listening (doing chores or something) rather than watching, then subtitles are damn inconvenient.
Without the awful "unforgiven I'm a villain" bit being repeated over and over I would've genuinely liked this song.
As it is, it's a flop for me. That part is way too jarring and completely ruins the flow of the song imo.
Many older people who complain about this kind of stuff are constantly on their phones or behind the tv screen.
Probably. But at least in my family, the older people are, the less time they spend online with those 70+ usually not even able to use a computer properly.
And I mean, I spend a lot of time on my computer, but even I spend less time online than my younger cousins. They're on their phones literally all day, even during family gatherings. They don't even put them down to eat, they just place the phones next to their plates, eat with one hand and keep scrolling/texting with the other.
And what do you think about older people complaining about young people glued behind a screen and they do the complaining online, from behind a screen?Hm...
At first glance it seems hypocritical and I'm sure it is in many cases, but it doesn't take long to write a post. The question is how many hours per day these older people spend behind the screen, complaining, compared to those they're complaining about. They could very well have a valid point and not be hypocrites at all.
People unironically explaining why they're morally superior to people from the past and lamenting how awful everyone was.
Get over yourselves. It won't take a hundred years before your precious moral high ground of today has you 100+ metres below sea level - and it won't just be due to global warming.
It's also worth nothing that bidets are exceedingly rare in Northern Europe. I've never seen one in the UK, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway or Finland for example. Maybe in some modern private homes that had them specially installed but it's far, far from common.
They're a thing in the south/Mediterranean part of Europe though.
Still, I remember when my siblings and I first saw one - we were on holiday in France and thought the odd little basin with the faucet was for washing your feet or something.
Beer drinking.
And football.
As a kid I was terrified that other people might be able to read my thoughts and worried that adults were just telling me it wasn't possible.
I don't really remember why I thought that, but I'm pretty sure that, if mind reading was a thing, I'd likely end up getting spared. Nobody would waste such an amazing ability to listen to me think about pancakes or how fluffy my cats are.