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Posts by UrHopeAngel24
Well I was studying but I guess it's break time! Time to watch Time to TWICE!!
catchy song lol
So me and my friends on Discord all did a personality quiz on Spotify. We all got the same thing but with different groups.
did anyone else do this quiz and got the exact same thing?
a company that started from the bottom and made its way up.
probably the people who use trending songs without context were probably helping
(like how they did for Fifty Fifty's Cupid)
I didn't know the song existed until now lol.
ehh it depends lol
I got friends but I don't have that best friend, well not anymore
All my friends that I had good convos with, got new friends, or just got busy with life
What's sad is that they were mostly girls around my age. We all met on an online game and we were all in a big group chat on Skype. We were also YouTubers. I don't know how that happened, knowing how introverted and shy I am. That was the best even if we were online friends.
I miss the good ol' days when I had that big (online) friend group. I want a friend group like that again! (I mostly want one with IRL friends or a mix of online and IRL friends). But it's not easy. Nowadays, I can chat with one girl since she loves Kpop like me. I've been easily chatting with guys recently. I don't mention romance and love to them and we just chat about other things.
Also nowadays, well for me at least, it's usually just, "Hello, How are you." then I reply with, "Hi, I am good." and it stops or we chat for a day/week, and after we stop communicating.
The truth is that, in order to make new friends, you have to chat and talk. If you don't talk or reply to them, then they won't want to be your friend. Nobody likes it when you ignore them.