Posts by Babybluehun0327
I wish this was on Spotify
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This is absolutely perfect!!
Can the plastics get your old sub forum in this alternate world?
People either call me bae or blue.
Bravo is my guilty pleasure. I could talk about HWs for hours. That's why I got excited when I saw your Porsha gif lol.
OMG. Are you a RHOA fan?
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A lot of people think this is a PR campaign from the Royal Family
Kdrama fans, Korean movie lovers, and kpop fans more specifically kblinks all have one thing in common and that is they have, their family or know people who went through this dictatorship in the 80s. This is why I personally believe no one is gonna like this movie and why they should cancel it. I mean kblinks legit sent trucks to protest about it.
Do you watch Hollywood movies? They do this all of the time. That’s why I’m confused.
I mean, i don’t think it matters. If Soojin just admitted to the allegations and apologized, she could have stayed and g-idle would be fine.
Cube/G-idle thought they could lie and no one would question it. Now it looks like they got caught red handed lying and that will ruin the reputation of not only Soojin, but Cube/G-idle.
The best way through cancel culture is to admit it, apologize and move on (Like SM did for Irene). Dragging it out by deny (especially when you know it might be true) only makes things worse.
Soojin and Cube basically dared that actress to come out clearly with allegations and she did. Not great for them.
I think the issue here is that Koreans don't want the severity and seriousness of the movement to be downplayed.
I guess it could also be considered a cultural thing, but the thing that puts me off is people trying to police how they(Koreans) feel, considering none of us here are actually Korean.
For many people, the first reaction is "Oh Knetz are overreacting again, not a big deal" which is really ironic considering we are KPOP fans...stanning groups and listening to music...from Korea.....
That was my main issue.
About your quote, I think omnimorphism summed up my thoughts quite nicely. Movies like Jojo Rabbit and shows like South Park almost never end up bending history in favor of the an inhumane movement(like the Nazis) nor are they(for the most part) historically inaccurate. The main concern is that Koreans don't want the drama to end up downplaying the severity of the movements Koreans did for democracy and the awfulness of the government back then. That's what I've gathered from many posts from Koreans about this anyway.
I hope I explained my thoughts clearly
I just don’t understand why they can’t wait until they watch the show. Why get the government involved to cancel something you haven’t even seen?
The reason I brought up JoJo Rabbit is because the synopsis sounds extreme, but when you see the movie, you see how great it is. Do you understand what I mean?
Jojo Rabbit is a well crafted movie. It makes fun of the Nazis and portrays them as ridiculous. At no point it bends history in favour of the Nazis.
From what I understood, they viewed this drama as downplaying what was done by the protests and justifying the acts taken by the authorities. Even after the statement by JTBC they still view the drama as trying downplaying the Democratic Uprising.
Thanks for answering! I wish they would just wait and then make judgement. I don’t want Jisoo to get hate, so this whole thing just makes me sad.
Have any of you ever seen Jojo Rabbit? It’s such a good movie.
A movie like that could never be made in Korea. That’s why I don’t get this “scandal.” The majority of Hollywood movies are like this: a historical background with a fictional story.
This just doesn’t make any sense to me at all as an American.
So it was just Knetz freaking out over something that hasn’t even happened yet lol.
I'm a female and I prefer hoodies because it's more comfortable.