Patriot Head Skewer (USA) = *Flagpole Through Skull* (With *Flag Attached* , Still Alive !!!) ; 2023.08.03

  • ... Man survives being Stabbed through the Head with a Flagpole (USA Flag Attached) ; 2023.08.03 ; (Quoting) --> “The pole entered the victim’s head beneath his jaw , and exited (out) the other side of his head near his right temple area,” police said. “The American Flag was still attached to the pole at the time.” (End).

    Observation -->

    Gives USA Shish Kebob a Whole New Meaning ??? ... :woow:

    Did the Flagpole have a 'pointy end' on top of it ???

    Will the 'Perp' be tested for 'DNA' that matches VLAD the IMPALER (Romania) ???

    (As intended humor) More Quote --> It was unclear on Thursday

    where the case against (Perp) COLLINS would be HEADed. <-- (End)

    (Or IF that COLLINS would be offered an acting role in the Revival Movie titled:

    'Patriot HEAD Games' , featuring actor Harrison Ford ???)

    God Bless America ; Kate Smith ; Year 1943

    (Honest Speculation) The VICTIM *likely* SAID SOMETHING to the PERP ???

    Wonder WHAT 'transpired' between them (before) *prior* to the 'head' event.

    Edited 20 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “Patriotic Head Skewer (USA) = Flagpole in Skull (Still Alive) ; 2023.08.04” to “Patriot Head Skewer (USA) = *Flagpole Through Skull* (With *Flag Attached* , Still Alive !!!) ; 2023.08.03”.
  • Ouch that had to hurt. Thanks we're spared a picture, it sounds gruesome. Old bearded guy stabbed an Native Indian at a Fast Food joint.

    Another story gone viral is a grab and leave burglary at a 7-11 convenience store.

    Epidemic of these types of crimes. The phone camera guy telling "nothing you can do, let him go" is indi8cative how browbeat shop owners have gotten, but not these guys.


    Edited once, last by 4NIA4 ().

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