YANG HYUN SUK's (ex-CEO YGe Agency) Threat over B.I's Illegal Drug
Usage Case , Forwarded to the Prosecution ; 2021.06.07
YANG HYUN SUK charged with B.I 'Drug Investigation (Police)' Interference ; Reporter Tae-Jun Pyo , 2021.06.07
Prosecutors have handed over YG Entertainment CEO Yang Hyun Suk, who is accused of (interference ???) refusing 'drug investigations' of former member of the idol group ‘iKON’ = B.I (real name Kim Han-bin) to COURT TRIAL. The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office announced on the 2021.06.07 , that on the May 28th of last month, Yang was indicted on charges of retaliation under the Aggravated Punishment Act for Specific Crimes. Yang received an (Police) Investigation after receiving a Public Interest Report from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, claiming that he summoned (to a MEETING) , a former singer-songwriter trainee = Han Seo Hee , who was an illegal drug supplier for B.I (Marijuana , etc) , and demanded that she (REVISE) reverse her statement (about B.I) by persuading and *INTIMIDATING* her (HSH) in Year 2016. Yang acknowledged that he had called Han to the YG Entertainment office (YGe Agency HQ Building) and had a conversation, but denied the allegations, saying, "I did not threaten (Han Seo Hee , in order) to (revise) reverse the statement (by Han Seo Hee to Police Investigators)." However, the Police investigating the case reported that the charges of Yang were (somewhat validated) acknowledged through indirect evidence, such as the consistency of Han Seo Hee's statements , and statements of other officials, and sent it to the Prosecution.
By Pyo Tae-joon
This is Pyo Tae-joon, a reporter from the legal team.
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양현석, ‘비아이 마약 수사 무마’ 혐의 기소 표태준 기자 , 2021.06.07 검찰이 아이돌그룹 ‘아이콘’의 전 멤버 비아이(본명 김한빈)의 마약 수사 무마 혐의를 받는 양현석 전 YG엔터테인먼트 대표를 재판에 넘겼다. 서울중앙지검 강력범죄형사부는 지난달 28일 양 전 대표를 특정범죄 가중처벌법상 보복협박 혐의로 기소했다고 7일 밝혔다. 양 전 대표는 2016년 일어난 비아이의 마약 투약 의혹을 무마하기 위해 공급책이던 가수 출신 연습생 한서희씨를 불러 회유·협박하고 진술을 번복할 것을 요구했다는 공익신고가 국민권익위원회에 접수되며 조사를 받았다. 양 전 대표는 YG엔터테인먼트 사옥으로 한씨를 불러 대화를 나눈 사실은 인정하면서도 “진술을 번복하라고 협박하지는 않았다”며 혐의를 부인한 것으로 전해진다. 그러나 이 사건을 조사한 경찰은 한씨의 진술이 일관된 점과 다른 관계자들 진술 등 간접 증거를 통해 양 전 대표의 혐의가 인정된다고 보고 검찰에 송치했었다. 표태준 기자 사회부 법조팀 표태준 기자입니다
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A couple added observations about this situation ...
Where 'Informant' Ms. A = HAN SEO HEE ...
(1) B.I is the one who contacted HAN SEO HEE ...
... In order to purchase illegal drugs (Marijuana , etc) ...
... And NOT the 'other way around' ...
(2) HAN SEO HEE did *not* force YANG HYUN SUK into arranging
... a *Meeting* at the YGe Agency HQ Building ...
... To *maybe* discuss that HAN SEO HEE *change* her statements
... To POLICE INVESTIGATORS about B.I and his behavior (events).
(NOT *legally* relevant to this *particular* YANG HYUN SUK event)
(3) T.O.P (Big Bang) is the one who wanted illegal Marijuana
... From HAN SEO HEE ... T.O.P made that decision HIMSELF.
HAN SEO HEE seems *not* any kind of 'winner' in all of this
involving T.O.P , B.I , YANG HYUN SUK (YHS) , etc , either.
ILLEGAL DRUG PEE TESTED , Once Per Month , until October of 2021.
I have my DOUBTS that HAN SEO HEE even wants to see
YANG HYUN SUK go to a COURT TRIAL or do JAIL TIME at this point.
But IF there is a COURT TRIAL , HAN SEO HEE will be *required*
to TESTIFY (my guess).
I am *wondering* IF that PROSECUTORS actually plan to make
a *Sweetheart Offer* to SETTLE Out-of-Court with YANG HYUN SUK.
Something with NO JAIL TIME and LITTLE other punishment.
But PROSECUTORS *are* making it CLEAR , that they do
NOT like it that YANG HYUN SUK *may* have *interfered*
If nothing else , PROSECUTORS finally 'Clear The Books' (Case)
with regard to YANG HYUN SUK.
Here , me , STILL wondering IF that YANG HYUN SUK
might 'come out' of this finally as NOT a FELON via COURT findings.
And so , THEN , does YANG HYUN SUK get to RETURN
to the YGe Agency New HQ Building , and his POWER
'Corner Office' there , as *FOUND INNOCENT* (so to speak).
IF that an actual COURT TRIAL takes place
for YANG HYUN SUK ... I *wonder* how LONG in TIME
duration that it might take to conclude it ???
SEUNGRI's TRIAL makes a SNAIL look SPEEDY (my view) ...