You have SUPERIOR taste, everybody else's taste is horrible compared to yours, always remember that and keep going. Love you
Fairy of Shampoo
You're either really fancy or really sad (OR BOTH!)
We Lost The Summer
Are you okay?
Wishlist + Way Home
You really are a loser!!!!!!!
SO BORING! You're a boring person
Um, ok? Better then Loser=Lover tho
You're probably a cool person
Can't You See Me?
I think it's either that you're really cringe or really really funny
Cat & Dog
You furry
Pls regain your taste buds, probably stans star one
No Rules
Dear Sputnik
Get help
Ice Cream
I scream when I find out this is your favorite song
How do you get through the clap ur hands part?
Is it 20cms
Magic Island + Eternally
Probably obsessed with TXT lore
Can't We Just Leave the Monster Alive?
Supa cute song, ur nice.
Angel or Devil
drag @dummi , she's super tasteless
Maze in the Mirror
Are you okay buddy?
Grr grr bark, you're a furry! Probably play fight with Cat & Dog people in furry conventions
Amazing taste but not as good as Ghosting. Drama has a really cool meaning
If I didn't include some songs I was either too lazy, had no opinion on them, or couldn't come up with something