Hello! Hopefully this thread is a lot more wholesome and less controversial. Which of the eight MBTI cognitive functions do you think your bias uses? Why do you think that? I'll give a brief description of each of them in case you aren't familiar with them, but before we get into that, a few caveats I should mention:
1) Every single person uses all eight of these cognitive functions, just in a different order. The different order PARTIALLY explains why we both perceive and process the information around us differently (other factors also do this too, like upbringing, culture and so on).
2) Each of these cognitive functions are very complex and have a lot more nuance to them than I covered here. I reduced each function description to a sentence so you wouldn't be too confused (hopefully). If you ever get into MBTI, there is way more to each function than what I will say here.
3) Some functions can combine together and/or blend together when using them in our day-to-day life and it can be hard to isolate a function completely. Don't worry about it too much here, but something to consider. Fe paired with Si looks different than Fe paired with Ni, for example.
4) The cognitive functions are usually required to be listed in a very particular order, but I won't cover that here for the sake of simplicity. Just list them in the order that makes the most sense to you.
5) No one function is better or worse than other. They are all equally good, but some are more useful for some situations and others are more useful to different situations.
Fi: While being actively used, this function prioritizes authenticity and staying true to themselves as much as possible and base what they think is important on a set of strong, deeply personal values which they constructed based on what they consider to be moral or immoral.
Fe: When this function is being used, it is great and sensing how the people around them are feeling, and often adjusts their behavior to match with what is expected, as they value harmony and peace, not conflict, sometimes being conflict avoidant as much as possible.
Ni: This future oriented function, stereotyped as being insightful and philosophical, not only often has epiphanies, but also thinks about how things could go in the future and tries to linearly and thoroughly connect all their ideas together in a logical and organized way.
Ne: This function can be seen as a wildcard and random, as what it does is it sees endless ideas, patterns and possibilities for how they could work and often connects seemingly random points or ideas in unexpected ways.
Si: This function, which is often associated with reflecting on the past, is detail oriented, organized and finds details in daily life to connect to a past memory, which makes sense considering that they are stereotyped as having a good memory, among other things.
Se: This function places a high emphasis on using each of the five senses and living life fully in the moment, often processing what is going on exactly as it happens, which leads these people to stereotypically focus on the present.
Ti: Those that use this function care less about hard data, but more about all of the data making sense, understanding what is being said thoroughly and fitting the data into a logical framework within their head.
Te: Typically depicted as brutally honest, cold, concise and logical, his function likes to be objectively right and resorts to hard data and factual evidence to do so, often completely ignoring or disregarding emotion when isolated by itself.
Oh, and before I forget, please, please do not start a heated debate over this. I had my last thread removed because some of you got too out of control, don't make me have to do it to this thread too or I won't be very happy. Agree to disagree and move on. It's MBTI, don't take it too seriously.
Now that we have all of that out of the way, which idol do you think best represents each function? Why? Or, if you would rather, which function(s) does your bias use on camera the most? What are examples of them using that/those function(s)? I'm curious to hear the answers.
Personally, I think Chan radiates high Fe, coming from someone how uses that function a lot as well. What do you think? Have a great day/night!