The details are still muddy but from what I could gather:
- Koreans found Winter (they call her Minjeong)'s AskFM account
- i dont know of the content in aforemention AskFM, maybe something that could be considered "problematic"
- the person who allegedly owned the account (apparently also called Minjeong) said it didn't belong to Winter
- the alleged owner of the AskFM account posted their ID and yearbook to verify they were Minjeong, but they are not able to close the AskFM account after all this. Making some speculate if this was just a fan sacrificing themself to protect Winter, since they don’t have access to close the account
- it seems the majority now believe it was just a rumor set up by haters
- overall synopsis: this has been "cleared up" but there's still murmurs about it because they allege the AskFM account's texting style and use of ASCII is very similar to what Winter uses in her fan paid Bubble chat