I just saw it on Twitter trought the trending tags ... I don't know what to say ...
Long story short:
The German Youtuber called "Miguel Pablo" is known for doing a lot weird stuff on Youtube and one of the things he was known for for a long time was how he faked to be gay with one of his best friends for almost a year just as "social experiment" wich made a lot people really pissed at him as he came out that he was just fooling his fans all the time.
Now aparently he shared some statements on something that happend "behind the scenes" and I am shook how some of his fans are still standing behind him and suport him nomather what ... aparently that guy was smoking weed and as he got into a fight with his curent girlfriend he was so high that he decided to murder his own cat ... I ...
People on Twitter are super pissed at what happend. The cat was just a baby.
That guy wrote he first of all beat up his GF and than beat up his kitten till it was dead. Everyone who saw that message and especially those who own a pet themself are now more than mad at that dude
The dumbest thing on all of this is that after he said he developed psychological disorders from the weed he took, wich caused him to beat up his girlfriend and murder his cat, people who take weed themself defend him and act up like if that was not coming from taking weed ... what the heck?