Why yes, I am farming akorns.
Have you ever disliked a song for a dumb or trivial reason? Here are a few of mine.
Winner's So-so
Despite Mino spitting absolute fire in his verse and most of the song being pretty good, I just can't get past how many times they say "so" in the song. It drives me kinda batty.
Wonho's Blue
I love me some Wonho, but the "we are young, we are dumb" lyrics make me think of a terrible phrase and I just can't take the song seriously when I hear it.
EXO's Wolf
that tree creeps me out
Honorable mention:
Monsta X's Addicted
I actually still really love this song, but it sounds like they're singing "I'm a dick to you" instead of "I'm addicted to you". Lucky for me, I'm totally fine with it either way lol