This can be a place where we discuss new meta builds, things that get you tilted, and anything else related to League.
To get us started, what champion would you want to see reworked next?
This can be a place where we discuss new meta builds, things that get you tilted, and anything else related to League.
To get us started, what champion would you want to see reworked next?
To get us started, what champion would you want to see reworked next?
Malphite or Garen i guess
Yuumi needs to be reworked asap, it's never a pleasant time whether she's on yours or the enemy team. The epitome of wanting to get carried.
I reckon there are champs in bigger need of a rework though, like aurelion sol. I would also like one for tryndamere/garen, they are just too one dimensional and in trynda's case, busted for no reason
Malphite or Garen i guess
I'd like to see Malphite's ult to be changed as well, it takes a lot of his power budget
His W should be a charge up ability similar to Sion's Q
Yuumi needs to be reworked asap, it's never a pleasant time whether she's on yours or the enemy team. The epitome of wanting to get carried.
I reckon there are champs in bigger need of a rework though, like aurelion sol. I would also like one for tryndamere/garen, they are just too one dimensional and in trynda's case, busted for no reason
Aurelion's reworked W back in 2019 was a flop
Removing the W toggle was literally his death sentence. I'd like to see his R switched with his E. Being able to roam that much on a basic ability definitely shifts him from a battlemage to a roaming ultility mage which doesn't really fit his identity.
To be honest I'm not against Asol being a roaming mid laner, mostly because you get rolled in most match ups anyways as the champ does like no dmg. His winrate numbers look fine but only bc mains play him.
All this talk reminded me of taliyah, another champion I think needs at least a mini rework. They effectively killed her mid lane and is more played in the jg now, one of my old mains
To be honest I'm not against Asol being a roaming mid laner, mostly because you get rolled in most match ups anyways as the champ does like no dmg. His winrate numbers look fine but only bc mains play him.
All this talk reminded me of taliyah, another champion I think needs at least a mini rework. They effectively killed her mid lane and is more played in the jg now, one of my old mains
I've never played Taliyah on release, but it looks like her Q used to do AoE damage :(( Seems like that hurt her waveclear a lot after that removal
I similar case to Taliyah is Nidalee. Back in Season 2-4, she used to be a mid laner, but they reworked her to be a jungler bc her spears were too "oppressive". But the thing is we have shit like Zoe nowadays, so like I feel like they should've kept Nidalee as a mid laner.
She's such a non interactive champion, It's painful playing with her as an adc, 90% of the time you will be 1v2 in lane as they don't even use her passive (in my elo at least, which is gold-low plat lol). But if she gets to scale the game is almost impossible for enemy team.
I have been playing annie recently and she's good with a lot of mythical items, liandry is pretty good in general and even more if they have many tanks/high health champs. Otherwise luden to 1 shot carry. Rocketbelt is also good for the active as a gap closer for your stun
Luden's & Crown of Shattered Queen (situational when there's a high burst assassin), but I'd say Ludens would be her standard mythic
Then depending on what the enemy is, if they're ap you go banshees next (if you need protection) or if they're ad you would go zhonyas
After that you it's whatever is up to you, if they have a lot of shields like a Sett, get Shadowflame. Anti-heal would be morellos, but if you have an enchanter on your team they'll most likely get chemtech purifier, so you don't need to get anti-heal.
But around your 3rd or 4th item, you should plan on getting a rabadons as it'll boost your damage a lot if they don't build a lot of MR. If they build a lot of MR, it's better to rush a void staff so your damage won't be negated as much.
I've never played Taliyah on release, but it looks like her Q used to do AoE damage :(( Seems like that hurt her waveclear a lot after that removal
I similar case to Taliyah is Nidalee. Back in Season 2-4, she used to be a mid laner, but they reworked her to be a jungler bc her spears were too "oppressive". But the thing is we have shit like Zoe nowadays, so like I feel like they should've kept Nidalee as a mid laner.
I joined the game a bit after ekko's release so those are tales I have only heard of! but yeah these last couple seasons everything really went downhill and I think it started with zoe's or kayn's release. Now everything 1 shots, no need to use ultimate for most assassins/bruisers. Supports getting free gold by doing nothing, draktar and invisibility being more prominent, dashes everywhere, etc
I reckon there are champs in bigger need of a rework though, like aurelion sol.
I joined the game a bit after ekko's release so those are tales I have only heard of!
but yeah these last couple seasons everything really went downhill and I think it started with zoe's or kayn's release. Now everything 1 shots, no need to use ultimate for most assassins/bruisers. Supports getting free gold by doing nothing, draktar and invisibility being more prominent, dashes everywhere, etc
Kayn walking through walls is actually so dumb, like who tf thought that was a good idea. It's pretty much impossible to make balance with his E.
A lot of latest champions have overloaded kits, like Akshan
That man has stealth, movement speed, gold, mana regen & revive on his one ability, W. It's crazy how jumbled up his kit is. Another questionable release was Yone, I literally hate playing against him, he has 2 knockups and has a strong engage & disengage tool which is his E. So dumb. Not to mention that he's pretty much unkillable w/ Immortal Shieldbow's healing & shield.
I would prefer to see more older champions get reworked, bc a lot of the olders champs kits aren't able to keep up with the newer releases.
things that get you tilted
I'm not gonna sit here all day
because you never asked!
well I'm not really playing it anymore, quit a while ago..
mains.. mmh I'd say Kassadin, Annie, Wukong, Trundle
Another church of annie member
Make sure to buy chromas rn bc the blue essence emphorium is going on rn
well you pretty much did by making this thread
mmh well, no idea in what state kassadin currently is
according to op gg I was ranked S2020 last time
Right now Kassadin is doing really well with the reworked Archangel's staff for Season 12
Season 10 was 2020, so that was last year...
Right now Kassadin is doing really well with the reworked Archangel's staff for Season 12
Season 10 was 2020, so that was last year...
I have some really depressing memories playing kas into some AD camps.. not sure if it changed, but palying vs zed or lucian felt like I'm made out of paper and every attack of them drains half my life bar..
Yes! Same, I'm happy I made this thread~!
Omg that would be so cute, I'd love a pink skin on him. I think Sett should get a heartseeker skin too
Umm... I don't think they've changed the honor token shop since 2019. Lots of people on reddit have been asking Riot when they are gonna get updated, but we have yet to get an official response from them.
I have some really depressing memories playing kas into some AD camps.. not sure if it changed, but palying vs zed or lucian felt like I'm made out of paper and every attack of them drains half my life bar..
I hate playing against both of those champs mid, it's a pain in the ass
I think Kassadin is more of a counterpick to AP champs, similar to Galio bc they take reduced magic damage
I hate playing against both of those champs mid, it's a pain in the ass
I think Kassadin is more of a counterpick to AP champs, similar to Galio bc they take reduced magic damage
I think when I played Lucian mid was not even really meta yet, people would just pick it to annoy me
more of? its like his identiy ^^"
I think when I played Lucian mid was not even really meta yet, people would just pick it to annoy me
more of?
its like his identiy ^^"
oop you right
I guess they just forgot about the honor tokens after they got obsessed w/ prestige stuff
just like they "forgot" about sona
btw still no prime capsule yet,
They want her to flop
Me either, I wasn't able to claim anything yet & it's almost the end of the month :sadface:
Display Moreis it bad to still have hope for her
why they waiting for the month to be over? wouldn't it make sense to make it the beginning of the month if its for november? i'm just super impatient so that doesn't help
and... yeah this isn't working out
i don't want to play more of her haha. i'll stick to neeko. i was looking at my opgg and saw that neeko is the champ that I have the highest win rate with. plus i can play her in both supp & mid
Oh no :((
Ya just stick to Neeko
btw I like your dp! yeah I need to, I'm watching a lot of diff shows right now and i'm behind in all of them haha. I'll try asap though! just so I can make some extra posts about it in here
Yeah tbh it didn't seem that appealing to me at first but everyone likes it and the music is amazing
first riot for not releasing the prime capsule today
second my team for refusing to surrender and causing us to be stuck in a super long game for no reason... everytime I play the regular game mode, I get upset. so will probably take a break lol.
Thanks! Haha dw I understand, but ofc we gotta get those . I promise you you won't regret watching it.
Someone on reddit said it'll be on released on the 1st of Dec, but they have these other stuff for the RiotX event. Here's the prime link:
okay I hope so... I'm not really that into the characters when it comes to the game but I feel like it'll change my mind once I'm finished with the season. I always wait til last minute to watch stuff for some reason lol. did the same w squid game haha & facts
DECEMBER ???? they are just skipping november or what? also thank you for the link! where do you even find that? I'm so clueless man... I guess I need to start reading the reddit or something because i'm missing everything.
Ya it's always worth to give a show a try haha
Apparently they said the first capsule was for november 1st & the second one is coming dec 1st. Somehow I remember the first capsule arriving in late october
Honestly, I just look at the "top" & "hot" reddit posts, they usually have helpful stuff
Display Morejinx mains must be happy rn lol...
yeah I thought it was in october as well. so that capsule was actually for november? weird...
hm yeah I just joined the sub so I can see the hottest topics on my homepage.
are you into any of the esports teams?
I was on an esports team for my university, last year, but I had to quit bc my coach was hella sexist against women
Not to mention the team and atmosphere was toxic
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