*** HAN SEO HEE is currently *NOT GUILTY* of Cout Probation Violation ***
... (That situation could change for HSH in the very near future though) ...
HAN SEO HEE (HSH) has a *Court Hearing Event* scheduled for Nov. 17th ...
Where a JUDGE will begin to decide two *very* important matters -->
(1) Did HAN SEO HEE *Violate* her Court Probation status , by doing repeat
... illegal drugs usage (LSD = methamphetamine) while on Court Probation.
(2) *IF* a (Guilty) Violation of Court Probation is determined by the JUDGE,
... *THEN* how much *PRISON* duration punishment will be chosen for HSH.
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(1) PROSECUTORS want HSH in PRISON for ONE YEAR duration.
(2) HSH *failed* a July 2020 Urine Test , when illegal LSD was detected.
(3) HSH *disputes* that she ever used LSD , and *apparently* maintains
... that her Urine Test event for illegal drugs detection was flawed
... at the time.
(4) A 'follow up' *HAIR TEST* for illegal drugs by the N.I.S.I (S.K Gov. Lab)
... showed NO ILLEGAL DRUGS for HSH , and after 20 days , she was
... released from the HOLDING JAIL.
(5) HSH asked for a *repeat* Urine Test on the same day that she failed
... that test , and was *denied* that by the Prosecutor Office.
... *Apparently* , they do NOT give a *repeat* Urine Test
... upon request in that situation.
(6) Supposedly , there is a *50%* (fifty percent) chance that
... the JUDGE will agree with the PROSECUTOR , that a
... Probation Violation happened with HSH.
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So , what happens with HAN SEO HEE on Nov. 17th , her Court event -->
(1) Both sides , PROSECUTOR and HAN SEO HEE (Lawyer) present
... their views on the validity of the Urine Test fail proving
... that a Court Probation Violation happened with HSH.
(2) *IF* the JUDGE has heard all the arguments to her satisfaction,
... THEN , it is *possible* that the JUDGE might *immediately* rule
... (decide) on Guilt or Not , on November 17th , with regard
... to the HAN SEO HEE Court Probation Violation situation.
(3) *IF* the JUDGE rules for HSH as a (Guilty) *PROBATION VIOLATION*
... happened , *THEN* (almost *certain*) , HAN SEO HEE would be
... *DETAINED* in COURT , *immediately* handcuffed , and taken
... to the HOLDING JAIL as a PRISONER.
(4) *THEN* , a next Court Trial event for HSH would likely happen.
... Where the JUDGE decides as to the *PRISON* time punishment
... for HAN SEO HEE ... PROSECUTOR and HAN SEO HEE (Lawyer) would
... present arguments to the JUDGE , related to what is a fair punishment
... for HAN SEO HEE (PRISON time duration) ... And THEN , after all
... arguments are heard , say around December 4th , the JUDGE
... would decide on PRISON duration time for HAN SEO HEE.
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So , what would happen , Impact of HAN SEO HEE as JAIL DETAINED -->
(1) *IF* HAN SEO HEE (HSH) is (Guilty) *JAIL DETAINED* ...
... as of November 17th ... Then , HAN SEO HEE would *likely*
... be *COURT TESTIFYING* in *another* COURT case,
... that of YANG HYUN SUK (YGe Agency ex-CEO) , while wearing
... a PRISONER UNIFORM , with handcuffs ... And HSH would need
... to be transported in a POLICE VAN to and from the HOLDING JAIL.
... And enter the COURT with POLICE DETECTIVES walking
... on both sides of HSH ... Which , I would guess that YANG HYUN SUK
... would be VERY PLEASED if that were to happen with HAN SEO HEE.
HWANG HANA (Photo , in Center , Face Covered) , Arriving as Prisoner
for her Appeals Court event ; 2021.10.28
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What is HAN SEO HEE's possible *PRISON* duration time likely to be ?
There are a number of possibilities , and the JUDGE will decide on it -->
(1) I suppose that the JUDGE could decide on an *additional*
... Probation Period for HAN SEO HEE (HSH) ... Say adding on
... as punishment *ONE YEAR PROBATION* (NO PRISON Jail Time).
... And IF that a Urine Test (given once per month) , and 'follow up'
... HAIR TEST showed an illegal drugs usage violation , THEN HSH
... goes to PRISON for say *TWO YEARS* duration ... I would support
... that level of punishment for HSH ... I do NOT think that HSH
... is currently using illegal drugs ... And the July 2020 *HAIR TEST*
... for HSH showed NO ILLEGAL DRUGS for her.
(2) *6 Months PRISON* duration for HSH ... IF that I was HSH , I would
... NOT be pleased about a PRISON time duration ...
.... BUT , *6 Months* in PRISON is a LOT LESS than the *MAXIMUM*
... of (gasp) *4 YEARS in PRISON* that is *legally* possible
... as punishment for HSH ... I am NOT sure IF that HSH should use
... an *APPEALS COURT* option challenge on that decision.
... But , the PROSECUTOR can also file 'papers' , asking
... for a 'higher' *APPEALS COURT* event ... And request (again)
... for *ONE YEAR PRISON* duration as the HSH punishment.
(3) *ONE YEAR in PRISON* for HSH ... Which is *exactly* the punishment
... that PROSECUTORS want it ... The JUDGE logic could be as -->
... "You , HAN SEO HEE , can use an optional *APPEALS COURT*
... proceeding to question your amount of PRISON time duration ...
... As you might choose , HAN SEO HEE , and Good Luck."
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Closing Considerations on HAN SEO HEE (HSH) situation -->
I am *not* clear that HSH did actually use illegal LSD , even though
the Urine Test showed that as a result ... And again , the 'follow up'
*HAIR TEST* for illegal drugs by the N.I.S.I (S.K Government Lab)
HSH seems *not* using illegal drugs at present ... Which , is that
not the GOAL as ACCOMPLISHED ??? ... In the B.I illegal drugs case,
the JUDGE seemed to see it that way too ... The JUDGE gave
B.I *PROBATION* time , and *NO PRISON* time duration.
So , I would favor *added* PROBATION TIME duration for HSH.
With the once per month drug testing ... And try to keep HSH
*out* of a *needless* PRISON punishment situation (my view).
HSH has already had her life *strongly* negatively impacted,
and she has stated that , and her regrets about it too.
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So , what is the JUDGE likely to choose as HSH punishment -->
I will *guess* that , as *3 to 6 Months* in PRISON for HSH.
But I also think that *ONE YEAR PROBATION* , with more
illegal drugs Urine Testing (once per month) would be better.
Have HAN SEO HEE (HSH) pay a MONEY FINE that covers
the cost of the Urine Testing for illegal drugs.
I would argue that the whole JUDGE decision pivots
on how much *value* that is attached by the JUDGE
to the *HAIR TEST* that showed *NO ILLEGAL DRUGS*
for HSH in July 2020 ... And NO IDEA here how the JUDGE
might feel about it all ... My guess , we find out on it
within the next 40 days , so by December 15th.
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www.allkpop.com/search/articles/Han Seo Hee
HAN SEO HEE ; AKP Articles Listing , Staff