Altho INI's debut MV 'Rocketeer' only got 7.7 million views on Youtube while BE:FIRST's pre-debut MV 'SHINING ONE' got 20.8 million views, INI sold over 239K more CDs than BE:FIRST on their first day. The chances are good that till the end of the Month INI could end up as a better selling Produce Japan group than JO1 (who's debut sold around 385K). I could totally see that INI sells over 400K with this release and BE:FIRST could (depending on it) sell maybe around 150-200K. Would surprise me a lot if INI could even go over 500K, but as I know Japan, the sales will drop hard in the next days since people in Japan tend to buy CDs mostly on the release date
Compared to SHINING ONE, the debut MV 'Gifted' has now 2.7 million views in 2 days on Youtube. SHINING ONE reached almost 6 million views on it's first day of release and had almost 16 million views on the first week.
In comparisom INI's second MV 'Brighter' got 1.5 million views in 2 weeks. Rocketeer had almost 3 million views after the first day and almost 6 million views on the first week.
Both groups were found via survival shows. INI trought the second season of Produce 101 Japan and BE:FIRST trought the first season of THE FIRST