ask me anything (vi edition)
^^^^ I want to know this too
^^^^ I want to know this too
itiswhatitisss oh my god i love your all too well x willow sig and your olivia rodrigo pfp
anyways i've loved her since i was 9 and it was always the lyricism for me. back in the beginning of the 2010's, explicit music was on the rise and even though i was always a little hoe, i loved taylor. her music got me through my first heartbreak, my first real crush, everything. when i was in 4th grade i got a bad pneumonia that put me in the hospital for a while and when i came out, my memory was all fucked up etc. but she was the one thing i remembered and she's so special to me. she does everything herself and she's one of those artists who truly cares about their music and it shows.
what is a group or artist that you just can't seem to get into? whether it be the music or members or whatever?
you're trying to get me killed?
ateez and enhyphen. nothing against them but yeah. also stray kidz but i heard one song by them that i now cry to daily so i might listen to more of their songs and become a stan of their music but i'm too lazy to learn members nowadays unless they're girl groups
it's what I've been asking everyone who makes one of these threads...consistency!!!! lol
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