I don’t ever want to hear anyone complain about rigged survival shows ever again

  • When it happened with Produce X 101, everyone was outraged and screaming about being lied to & how Mnet needed to have integrity

    Now Girls Planet 999 happens, and with genuine votes, and people are creaming their pants hoping Mnet rigs it

    Hypocritical, phony, and full of it

  • I am pretty sure the people saying they hope Mnet rigs it soon are saying it as a Joke, it isn't serious

    I don't get Yujin's appeal at all, but I don't want her rigged out of the show, if she continues on and gets #1 overall than so be it, it will just simply not be My Group is all

    Most of my favorite contestants are gone or basically gone, I am not interested in K-Group as it stands

    I like C and J Group MUCH more but I know how this voting works, once the restrictions come down all the girls left representing K-Group will waltz into the Final Lineup you are still looking at a 5-2-2 Group, just now I am not interested in those K-Group girls who will make up the majority of the final group

    It is other people's Ideal group and Good luck to them, it just isn't mine I will just go back to watching all the Nugu Girl Groups I follow fanatically

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