[I might or might not be salty about this BB article] I think the reason why calling ARMY's funding 'chart manipulation' doesn't sit well with me...

  • And its their own chart. They make the rules. If they want sales to count less, they can change it. But oops, it would also hurt some artists pushed by the industry. So they defame BTS and try to create a narrative where they organize massive chart manipulation instead.

    I missed the article and have only heard about this from threads, AND i havent been keeping up the best with BTS, but this quote above is the truth.

    If its their own chart BB( I'm assuming its BB based on what I have heard) shouldnt complain and should just change the criteria.

    All artists fandoms do what they can to boost their faves, and if what ARMYs did was do everything by the rules, just in a more organised way than other fandoms, and BB doesnt like that, they should change the criteria.

    They should just admit the current system they have is to boost others who benefit from this system.

  • how about instead of branding everyone who gives legitimate criticism about BTS as a 'hater' you instead learn to be able to take criticism??

    no where on this forum have i hated on BTS. if anything, i'm an army who can admit that their current success in the billboard charts is not what people would call 'organic'. this doesnt have to be a bad thing, if you see it is an insult then thats on you.

    You're not an ARMY or a hater, you're an idiot, an idiot that I'm now blocking.

    Tell'em Bangtan is dancing on the floorImage result for bts dancing gif fire

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