Heard of the bandname before, never knew they were from my country, Germany. I am not really a fan of their music after checking them a bit on Spotify but now I get why people hyped this song
On Spotify are multiple versions of this song featured with different German/Austrian artists and the songs are in different styles.
Here are my personal ratings of each version aside of the original:
- Original version 7/10
- feat. The BossHoss - Country, Country-Rock 7,5/10 Yep thats a German country band and its kinda ok tho
- feat. 257er - Rap, Hip-Hop, EDM 3/10 Very big nope biggest nope is cause I understand the German lyrics and they are very dumb and it even sounds worse than the actual music of 257er
- feat. Sasha - EDM, Retro, 80s 10/10 I wonder who still knows Sasha nowadays ... he was famous like 15-20 years ago or so, anyone remembers his song "If you belive" ?
- Gestört aber Geil Remix - EDM, Trance, Future House 9/10
- feat. We Butter The Bread With Butter - Metalcore, Deathcore, Screamo, Polka, EDM 3/10 - Seriously no WBTBWB is not bad as a band but this here is just bad
- feat. Axel One (Austrian band "Turbobier" vocalist) - Acoustic, EDM 5/10 Just a little bit to much on the "look we want to be scary but we are not actually scary" side
What is your opinion on that song?