Educational thread: Things that are offensive to other cultures

  • Rather than do what SJWs do and just focus on 'cancelling' I think it would be better to get edjumecated on things that causes offense to other cultures. We probably already know the most talked about ones, but feel free to share what you know or people in your culture find offensive.

    - n-word can only be said by black people

    - Islamic: don't use excerpts from the Koran in songs, don't use religious paraphernalia or mosques as backdrop

    - Hindu region: don't use religious symbols or animal statues

    - Chinese: don't show Taiwanese flag

    - Koreans: don't show imperial Japanese flag

    - Judaism: don't show the nazi symbol

    - Japan: don't say Dokdo belongs to Korea

  • As a Hindu, why should I be offended because of some animal statues? Also it isn't Hindu region. Hindus are people you follow Hinduisim. A religion.

    It isn't Koran, it is Quran.

    I was more offended by your lack of research than the reasons you listed.

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