There's an old saying in my family. " you never go to Denny's , you end up there at 2 in the morning" I willingly go to IHOP, sometimes I end up in Denny's
I've gone to IHOP for free pancake day and once late at night w my friends. Never have I willingly gone to or wanted to eat at Dennys (last time was on a roadtrip years ago). The best breakfast places are usually locally owned anyway and way better than either of these in my opinion
Denny's. I've been to IHOP maybe twice. It's pricier, and it's the same thing anyway. I just like Denny's better. Especially past midnight after drinks and the club.
They are owned by individual franchisees so it varies. One chain isn't necessarily "better" than the other, but some locations are vastly superior to their rival down the street. I have a Denny's near where I live that is very good and one close to where I work that is terrible. iHOP is the same.