- BE - #1
- MOTS:7 - #1
- MOTS: Persona - #1
- LY Answer - #1
- LY Tear - #1
- LY Her - #7
- D-2 (AGUST D) - #11 (NO PHYSICAL SALES, un-promoted Mixtape)
- Skool Luv Affair - #12
- MOTS: 7 - The Journey (JPN ALBUM) - #14
- mono. (RM) - #26 (NO PHYSICAL SALES, un-promoted mixtape, 3 days of tracking)
- Wings - #26
- HOPE WORLD (J-HOPE) - #38 (NO PHYSICAL SALES, un-promoted Mixtape)
- Face Yourself (JPN ALBUM) - #43
- YNWA - #61
- HYYH YF - #107
- HYYH Pt 2 - #171
BTS and BTS members have a total of 17 entries on the BB200, they've charted un-promoted solo mixtapes with less than a week of tracking, JPN albums, re-releases of old albums, a game OST on top of their normal korean albums.
Also all of their albums released between 2013 and 2017 were monday releases with no physical sales cause there was no distribution in the US. LY Tear was their first album with a friday release and proper distribution.