"Tiny Channel" is an ongoing Youtube Vlog series created by Rina Suzuki from SCANDAL, she started the channel on May of 2020 and already released 44 episodes, the series is currently being translated by "Thoseguiltyeyes"
and there are new episodes almost every week!
(in amara.org just click the "subtitles" tab and the click "English")
Vlog #3 : Q&A
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Vlog #4: Hair arrangement
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Vlog #6: Training
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Vlog #7: Zine
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Vlog #9: Taking a MBTI personality test
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Vlog #10: First mukbang video
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"Pilot" episodes
Vlog #1: Stay at home
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Vlog #2: A day in the life
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about the pilots, when she started the channel her plan was to post silent tutorial type videos but the idea got scrapped since Rina instead really wanted to share parts of her personal live with fans so from EP #3 and on she uses the new format
also special thanks to "Thoseguiltyeyes" since they are the ones doing the translations