I’m warning you this is going to be a bit long I just wanted to say some things I’ve had in my mind for some time, so bare with me thank you So most of you know that I’ve been stanning Baekhyun for a very long time and by stanning him I saw many of his ups and downs, all the good and cheerful times but sadly also the unnecessary hate and misjudgment of his character.... I’ve had him like a safety blanket since I was in my early teens so on an emotional level it almost doesn’t make sense , that this person that has brought a great deal of warmth, happiness and comfort with everything he does, is getting so much hate. It makes me really upset when people start to hate and criticize him and his character without even knowing anything about him. Baekhyun was and still is someone who only who only tries his best to show us his bright side so that we can feel at ease and have some comfort and happiness. He truly has the biggest heart and is the biggest sunshine. There is so much I admire about him and I know that anything I say will never be enough to show how much I appreciate him Sadly a lot of people only see him as a mood maker, rather than seeing him as a humble, caring idol. It seems that the idol persona that he shows had a lot of influence on the way people see him. Well of course he is the mood maker but I think he is more than that. He’s someone who is hardworking and very talented and never fails to touch the audience's heart and is also very sweet and caring towards his fans He is usually very talk active and is very easy to get close to . He has a nice personality but there are times when he feels down and he seems the type to hold everything inside and breakdown all at once when pushed further….He’s not just a funny member. He’s more. It’s actually impressive how he knows how to joke around to lighten up the mood immediately. He knows how to read the mood very well and has this ability to say the right thing at the right moment. Even though he jokes around a lot, he has many deep thoughts and is a person who is very caring and takes care of everyone around him. It’s sweet how well he observes people and matches the mood to theirs. Another thing I love about him is his self-awareness. When City Lights was released, he was asked about why didn't he write lyrics to any of the tracks. To which he replied "As there are many professionals out there who are much more skilled than me in terms of music composition and lyric writing, I was turned down without hesitation by my company after an attempt. I thought ‘I was not meant to go down this path, let’s further improve on my strengths’ so I devoted more effort into my vocal and dancing. Even if I get a chance in the future, instead of participating in song composing or lyric writing, I feel that my priority would be to improve on my skills so that I can show stability as a player.” We stan a man who is humble enough to admit that something is not his forte. I have seen far too many overconfident men who could learn lots from him. I don't think the biggest takeaway from this is that Baekhyun is talented -- though that is very much true. The biggest takeaway is that regardless of his skill level in dance or his enormous talent for singing, Baekhyun continued developing himself and surpassed his limits with time and dedication. He didn't go from debut Baekhyun to Bambi Baekhyun in 1 year. An instant moment didn't grow him into what he is today. More than anything, discipline and hard work is what shapes you to grow in the lengths that Baekhyun has It's insane to me how he started off as an already really good vocalist and he just.... keeps improving! everytime!!! When we thought his limits were reached, we were proven wrong. Also love the fact that EXO members still take vocal coaching even after being much better than most of the people in the industry just so they can hone their skills further. Hardwork leads to success one day if not immediately and he is the proof of it. Going to vocal trainer even after 9 years of debut is an indication of his passion for singing and to improve more. Also not to mention someone with as many achievements as baekhyun and exo are still so humble and down-to-earth. I seriously really admire his character Despite such jam packed and tiring schedules, Baek has always been there with a smile on his face and gave us the best throughout his career as EXO, EXO-CBX , SuperM and as a solo artist and worked hard and made a name for himself. Many idols hold Baekhyun as their role model and it's understandable why. Its not even just about his imense success, these idols also look up to him because of his abilities. Always praising his singing, his work ethic and charisma, making covers and dreaming about getting to collab one day. I remember him saying how he has been preparing a lot of things just so that “we don’t miss him” by the time he enlists, and this was during the ending mnet of his online concert in January. He seriously such a sweet, considerate and hardworking man :pepe-sad: He makes it his aim and strives to be better than yesterday, that’s why I think the word lights really fits him. Baekhyun truly shines like a light Writing all of these made me realize that being his fan is really one of the best decisions i made so far in this lifetime Honestly anything I say will never be enough to showcase how much he means to me and how much I appreciate him as a person. To Baekhyun who cheered me up many times and who’s music and personality helped me so much during my teenage years and now now early 20s, thank you so much for being you. There will be no other artist like you for me, truly my one and only </3