Display MoreWelcome to the family! I'm serious, you'll love Twice once you get to know them better also! They are one of the most wholesome KPOP groups. They easily gravitate to each other and are super, duper close because most of the members live far and have little contact with their families, so they are family. Just letting you know, no Twice member is actually fluent in English so most of their reality shows and other promotions will be in Korean but they always do English captions if that's a problem! They also very active with VLives, make a lot of variety show appearances, and have reality shows called Time To Twice, also called 3T and TTT. So, especially if it's comeback season, they basically have something for Once to watch everyday! Their current TTT thing is Twice New Year. They have a 9th member, Jeongyeon, but unfortunately she is out because she is dealing with anxiety but will be back soon
so that's why you may feel like there's a gap in dances or when Jeongyeon had a part in live performances that no one was singing during that time
Here's a picture of Jeongyeon so you won't become a Once not knowing that it's OT9! (Dahyun in the background lmao)
The dog that you mentioned who peed on Tzuyu, that's Boo, Momo's dog. She got a new one the other day and her name is Dobby and she looks a lot like Boo. I agree about the Sana point! Sana has amazing visuals, even though Tzuyu is the visual of the group, she could definitely be one, most Once would agree with you on that point! I love Jihyo, by the way, she's actually my ult bias, for many reasons I hope you find out for yourself!
Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be so happy to answer
Oh thank you, I will watch their reality shows. That will give me new content now I finally exhausted my Netflix watch list