Neopronouns discourse and what I think,

  • Neopronouns are widely used by neurodivergent people and transgender people. They can be very helpful to people that just don't feel comfortable with she/her, he/him, or just don't want to use they/them. As a trans and neurodivergent person I think thats fine and understandable.

    here's a small definition of what neopronouns are specifically,

    "A neopronoun can also be a so-called “noun-self pronoun,” in which a pre-existing word is drafted into use as a pronoun. Noun-self pronouns can refer to animals — so your pronouns can be “bun/bunself” and “kitten/kittenself.” Others refer to fantasy characters — “vamp/vampself,” “prin/cess/princesself,” “fae/faer/faeself” — or even just common slang, like “Innit/Innits/Innitself.” "

    -New York times Article

    Neurodivergent people tend to use neopronouns because they tend to feel a special relationship with their gender and/or find a difficult time understanding gender itself. I think neopronouns are fine and people that do use them shouldn't be shit on, or should be receiving death threats.

    Some neurodivergent people say that it's hard and unneeded, because "It's hard to use," and "they're complicated to use"

    I also understand this side of the argument but I feel that if it truly helps two whole crowds of people, that its okay. Most of the time that neopronouns ARE being used, they/them is also an option! I also think it is transphobic and ableist for someone to say "im not going to call you bun/bunself!" and mock neopronouns by using "nor/mal" and such. Also cisgender people using "blm/blmself" to harm the community.

    What do you think ?

  • My thoughts : the odds of coming across a neurodivergent person preferring to be called a neo pronoun is slim and it’s not going to change my life to use it if that makes them comfortable.

    What people seem to think is it’s going to be a grand joke where ppl are going to use neo pronouns for performative reasons. And force everyone to call them bunnies and kittens.

    That’s absolutely the wrong way to go about it. It’s the same thing as saying trans ppl shouldn’t be allowed in gendered bathrooms because “men will dress as women and molest children”. Instead of punishing men we blame trans people trying to live their life using absurd excuses.

    Anyway respect people’s pronouns. It takes zero effort.

    And stop thinking suddenly the whole world is going to be filled with ppl making a mockery out of pronouns and hence you “don’t want to enable it”.

  • People who use them often call trans people transphobic simply for showing concern about the topic. Trans people have been shunned, harassed, and received death threats, as have autistic people who do not agree with neopronouns/xenogenders, which often leads to great anxiety and/or depressive fits, might even lead to people excluding trans people from their own communities.


  • People who use them often call trans people transphobic simply for showing concern about the topic. Trans people have been shunned, harassed, and received death threats, as have autistic people who do not agree with neopronouns/xenogenders, which often leads to great anxiety and/or depressive fits, might even lead to people excluding trans people from their own communities.

    i agree, thats the thing, both sides just go at it, i dont think its right for trans people to call other trans people that dont use them/or have a certain opinion about them, transphobic or harass them, I also dont think it's right for some trans people to harass/send death threats, to people that DO use them, i personally don't use them, but i have had multiple trans friends that have been sent death threats from other people, its a problem

  • i agree, thats the thing, both sides just go at it, i dont think its right for trans people to call other trans people that dont use them/or have a certain opinion about them, transphobic or harass them, I also dont think it's right for some trans people to harass/send death threats, to people that DO use them, i personally don't use them, but i have had multiple trans friends that have been sent death threats from other people, its a problem

    I understand what you mean, both parties get threats.

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