A few days ago I discovered 6 grave stones in a street, 1 impossible to read, the others date back to anything between 1901 to 1918. These where I could read the names on had been of people with the same family name.
The weird thing on it is, there was never a cemetary in that part of the city I live in and around it are homes from the 50s to early 2000s in the time of how they got build. I googled for fun and figured there really never was a cemetary but history linked to the family burried there. You don't see anything older than 50s in this district, maybe the church. But apparently the family who is burried owned a quit big house there that didn't survived and when WW1 ended the city used the area to slowly build the city around there and for some reason people decided to not disturb the peace of this family and kept the grave stones where they were burried.
Quit creepy a bit I would say but at least nothing weird happend (no ghosts or some lol). It's about 200m away from my house or even less and maybe 3 minutes walk to where that is. I only found out these grave stones exist when I walked the street for 4 years a lot and wondered is there maybe a park or what is the path I saw and of course I was curious to know and walked up there. From a bit garbage and foot prints of boots and shoes I really just thought there might be a park, but it was just a old statue and these 6 grave stones