VIVIZ just released their new song now. How did you find it? It was above my expectations
I was unsure about them after BOP BOP! but ever since Maniac, it seems like they've found a proper concept? Their songs are good and I feel like they got rid of their GFriend image too
2. [+24, -1]
Wow the beat feels so full. It looks like they've spent a lot on this song. It's f*cking good. Full Moon also exceeded my expectations
3. [+21, -1]
Make sure to watch the MV... their album pictures looked so low-cost but the MV was a full house
4. [+17, 0]
Bo-bo-bo-bo-boy, boy shwit, bo-bo-bo-bo-boy, boy shwit. Speak no more just feel me, ya. The addictiveness is insane
5. [+17, 0]
I think it's fine that the beats are stronger this comeback. VIVIZ's songs always felt like they were just melody without much background, which made them feel a bit empty, but this time that feeling is mostly gone