I will begin by saying a word. The next player says a word to add on to my sentence. The next player, and so on. If a player feels the sentence is completed, they can add the last word with a punctuation mark, or say "full stop" without a punctuation mark. Then, the next player starts the next sentence. Use quotation marks to indicate dialogue. Try to keep the words/sentences somewhat related to each other, although anything goes. Do not post one word after another, or multiple words in a comment, that's cheating. No editing comments, that's cheating. Also, do not get butthurt if someone doesn't respond to your word in a way you like. This isn't your story, this is our story. *Marxism Intensifies*
User A: "Once"
User B: "Upon"
User C: "A"
User D: "Time"
User A: "There"
User B:"Was"
User A: "A"
User C: "Man"
User B: "Named"
User D: "Jungkook."
User A: "He"
User C: "Ran"
User B: "Into"
User D: "A"
User C: "Bakery"
User D: "And"
User A: "Stole"
User B: "Bagels"
User C: "Full Stop"
User B: "'Stop!'"
User A: "'Thief!'
Have Fun!