Do you think AI is a sin against God of The Bible?

  • Do you think AI is a sin against God of The Bible? 5

    1. No (4) 80%
    2. Yes (1) 20%
    3. Unsure (0) 0%

    We've had ChatGPT for a long while, and more recently Instagram recently launched its AI studio. I believe it's idolatry (first commandment), but some may beg to differ because some see AI as a good thing because of gathering intelligence through usage of ChatGPT.


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  • How is it idolatry?

    Idolatry is the worship of idols.

    Worship is defined as the love and devotion to a deity, an idol, or some other sacred thing.

    Many people love AI and devote themselves to AI by doing things such as chatting with an idol created by someone online.


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  • Idolatry is the worship of idols.

    Worship is defined as the love and devotion to a deity, an idol, or some other sacred thing.

    Many people love AI and devote themselves to AI by doing things such as chatting with an idol created by someone online.

    Most people's use of AI is as a tool and that's the way 99% of us in the scientific community sees it . Trule idolatry is people's literal devotion and worship of kpop idols including the cult mentality of these fandoms. AI is nothing like that

  • Trule idolatry is people's literal devotion and worship of kpop idols including the cult mentality of these fandoms.

    People were (and likely still are) committing idolatry, and there was no K-Pop at the time The Bible was written.

    I can't find a Bible verse that says "Korea" "South Korea" or something similar. Can you help me find a Bible verse at least with the word "Korea" in it?


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  • Idolatry is the worship of idols.

    Worship is defined as the love and devotion to a deity, an idol, or some other sacred thing.

    Many people love AI and devote themselves to AI by doing things such as chatting with an idol created by someone online.

    This isn't idolatry.

  • This isn't idolatry.

    AI can stand for anything.

    Regardless of whether it be Artificial Intelligence, Artistic Imagery, Alarming Information, it can also stand for Artificial Idol.

    As I mentioned earlier,

    "Idolatry is the worship of idols.

    Worship is defined as the love and devotion to a deity, an idol, or some other sacred thing."

    Worshipping an Artificial Idol is wrong imo


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  • Can you find anyone that seriously does so?

  • Can you find anyone that seriously does so?

    Out of 8 billion people, yeah.


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  • Lots of... odd religious questions lately. Who worships AI?

    People were (and likely still are) committing idolatry, and there was no K-Pop at the time The Bible was written.

    I can't find a Bible verse that says "Korea" "South Korea" or something similar. Can you help me find a Bible verse at least with the word "Korea" in it?


    They're literally called Kpop IDOLS. I don't actually care either way, but if you're someone who does, focusing on the wrong word seems disingenuous at best.

    Lots of modern concepts are never mentioned in the Bible, because they didn't exist, but that doesn't stop the Abrahamic religions from using interpretations of their scriptures to create their own, brand new rules regarding those things. You could invent something entirely new tomorrow, and within a week these religions (or at least a sect therein) could find something to say with regards to its permissibility. That's how they like to operate.

    One needn't even focus on the "idol" aspect to make a judgment on something modern such as Kpop (or AI.) Here's a (not so) fun fact: The Taliban has banned music in Afghanistan on religious grounds. Literally. All. Music.

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