test test 123

  • I am unsure what word is the banned one in my last thread that errors and I cannot post it cause it constantly says I am unable to write send my thread cause I apparently used a banned wurd, but I do not see where the word is, so I try this with this post and see if I can send a post here, because I am confused AF on what happend that I do not see what of my words was the apparently banned one, cause its not showing anywhere. I see the word written out that I apparently used but when I look up my entire thread its not even anywhere, so help, pls IDK what to do anymore. I was just writting on Korean people in JPop and said the word Japan few times, however IDK why it does not work, is it cause of the word Japan? IDK cause the banned word is similiar to it, but I did not used it. I only said Japan

    edit: Does this also affect when you write 2 sentenses but both words in it, so basicly the last word of sentense 1 and first eord of sentense 2 look like as if they could be the forbiden word even if you have 2 words?

    Let's say the forbiden word is "Chocoshake" and you write a sentense ending in Choco and begin another sentense by saing Shake

    I am so confused cause I did not write the banned word and I do not see where the heck AKP thinks I said it

    Pls mark the forbidden words in texts for people so it makes it less frustrating when this appears again, cause as of right now Iook up all options to solve the mistery and do not see what I did wrong

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

    Edited once, last by JiminieKookie ().

  • It's because of a censored word. Remove it and replace it with a synonym (if appropriate).


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  • what was the word? You can spell it. P A N N C H O A is forbidden , but its just the P A N N part that is forbidden. I'll get the list for you


  • I see this, but ...

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • Why bl*gspot?

    Because anyone can write anything they want there, including spam.


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  • alexS Why is that Chinese text censored?


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  • We are getting a few more so I should update it.

    Can I give you ideas for you to update the list of censored words?


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  • go ahead please

    I'll DM you. is that okay with you?


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