I just came across this reddit post here (https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/…ed_last_video_bye_240530/)
regarding Sungmin, I did hear of Speed because my bias Zico's brother was in it but I didn't even know he had a channel unit now and it kinda got me thinking.
I follow a lot of considerably nugu idols and those who are independent, my bias Wooyeop of TRCNG who has since undergone a name change to his + inactivity as well seem to struggle with keeping up with 'content' demands and finding a really good niche to stick to or that they enjoy.
Although I feel like a big part of it is realizing how much work it actually takes behind the scenes to deal with, It got me thinking about the market in channel and how although I love the idea of endless things to discover it also makes it kinda hard. When it comes to those in companies they have a full production team behind it and can help with managing it.
SPEED's Sungmin appears to be super sweet and his content that I have watched honestly doesn't seem that bad, and its sad to see according to my understanding his reasonings for closing his channel is due to little support.
But as someone who used to upload videos I kinda get it to. I'm 23 now but from 18 - 20 I had three youtube channels. 1 was uploading my art, 2 was animal crossing and the third that I deleted at the end of last week was old vlive archives of nugu groups I loved (such as UNVS, MVP, Jeong Sewoon to name a few, I also downloaded the ones my comment was answered and it made my heart so warm lol) and it could just be my anxiety and being considerably not enjoying the notification button going up or seeing weird comments, but Youtube Studio is such a curious conversation for me and is so much different to what I realized. Last night, I ended up deleting them all, un subscribing from everyone and deleting all my videos, community posts and more and starting fresh.
Seeing the statics of where people were, what video they subscribed to were interesting though!
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As much as I love talking about music, I love talking about things like this to. Everyone seems to have varying opinions and I'm curious what you think about idols or celebrities in general struggling with things like this and if you think anyone I mentioned would come back eventually? (edit original () due to finding the updated ver of Wooyeop's Instagram, now known as Cho Lee Chan).
His last video is a Q&A.
His SNS.