Do you think American Samoans should be U. S. citizens starting from birth?

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  • You should read into this. They aren't U.S. citizens because they don't want to be. They maintain a tribal land ownership system that goes against the U.S. Constitution, as it favors Samoans on ethnic grounds. Denying themselves citizenship is how they keep the land to themselves.

    A more logical solution would be independence, but they seemingly don't want that either.

  • You should read into this. They aren't U.S. citizens because they don't want to be. They maintain a tribal land ownership system that goes against the U.S. Constitution, as it favors Samoans on ethnic grounds. Denying themselves citizenship is how they keep the land to themselves.

    A more logical solution would be independence, but they seemingly don't want that either.

    How did you find out this information?

  • How did you find out this information?

    He made it up just to torture you. :rolleyes:

    All of this can easily be found online. Like most of the world's so-called "colonies" American Samoa is run by a group of local interests who are profiting handsomely from the status quo. The right to vote in some distant, irrelevant Presidental election is far less important than keeping the cash flowing. And independence would virtually guarantee American Samoa would ultimately morph into Chinese Samoa, with a significant drop in bribe money for the local bosses and a large PLA Navy presence ruining the atmosphere.

  • All of this can easily be found online. Like most of the world's so-called "colonies" American Samoa is run by a group of local interests who are profiting handsomely from the status quo. The right to vote in some distant, irrelevant Presidental election is far less important than keeping the cash flowing. And independence would virtually guarantee American Samoa would ultimately morph into Chinese Samoa, with a significant drop in bribe money for the local bosses and a large PLA Navy presence ruining the atmosphere.

    Maybe it'll be better if American Samoa becomes a province of some country (the United States doesn't have provinces).

  • Maybe it'll be better if American Samoa becomes a province of some country (the United States doesn't have provinces).

    The US has states, which are essentially the same thing as provinces. American Samoa doesn't currently meet the minimum population requirements to become a state, but even if it did, many would likely prefer to keep the status quo anyway.

  • The US has states, which are essentially the same thing as provinces. American Samoa doesn't currently meet the minimum population requirements to become a state, but even if it did, many would likely prefer to keep the status quo anyway.

    How many people are required to inhabit a U. S. territory before it can become a state?

  • While they aren't US Citizens, they are in fact US Non Citizen Nationals.

    They chose to be a US Territory, but don't want all that citizenship stuff.
    They also have no interest to split from the US and merge with Samoa.

    They are happy the way they are now.

  • bethesda

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