jessica, brightand autotune

  • jessica look amazing and sucessful as usual. i like her songs but well does anyone find her autotune use kinda overt? her stage voice is already pitched high. im trying my best to support and listen to her music but its just too high for me especially beep beep she sounds exceedingly sharp like she picked her most nasally voice then autotuned it higher like jyp is the one that produced it. i thought she was gonna sing an early twice song next. she imo doesnt have the voice to autotune willy nilly espcially is she isnt using her more mature tone which is seen every purple moon.

    i m late on bright but yeah i found it interesting. mina is absolutly sooyoung lizzie =taeyeon, sengu or whatever the youngest was called is sunny, jiyoon is yoona for sure and the one who had to go public with her boyfriend is definetly tiffany. the others are kinda jumped together but the member that had the parents shop may have been yuri. who read it and what do yall think.

  • FatesSoneCardi

    Changed the title of the thread from “jessica, brigth and autotune” to “jessica, brightand autotune”.
  • I tried listening to beep beep but her voice is just not for me.

  • I don't know how SM does it but Jessica sounded the best doing SM music. Her vocal runs and vibrato were magical. Now, she has technically improved more than she did while in SM but still doesn't sound as good as she did in SM.

    Her vocals were my fav in Snsd and still are fav among all female Kpop idols.

    Edit: I think it's the music production because she sounds great live.

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    Edited once, last by sonemariam ().

  • I agree with a lot of comments while she was in SNSD her voice sounded so good and special but solo it doesn't seem all that special anymore, not even as she is a bad singer because she isn't, she is very good i just feel she need other voices around her to stand out

    I think she needs a better vocal coach and vocal director during her music production.

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