TRUMP = GAGGED by FEDERAL COURT JUDGE (Limited Manner) ; FINED $5000 = NY JUDGE ; 2023.10.20

  • ... TRUMP has narrow GAG ORDER imposed on him by federal judge overseeing 2020 election subversion case ; 2023.10.16

    (NY State) Judge fines Donald Trump $5,000 ; 2023.10.20

    after post maligning Court Staffer is found on campaign website.

    Observation -->

    TRUMP suggested via a ('Truth Social' Public Network Message) social media post that Mark Milley, the retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (TOP USA Military Commander Job Position), had committed treason and should be executed (killed) ... I suspect MILLEY is rather *pleased* that TRUMP has been rebuked and disciplined by the USA Federal Judge ruling.

    I could see MILLEY opening a *CORKED* bottle of Champagne ('bubbly' alcohol) , look at the CORK , and perhaps figure that HE can think of other uses (positions) for the CORK ... MILLEY may well have to COURT TESTIFY about TRUMP (his J6 D.C. RIOT actions) ... Thus , it would be a *bad idea* for MILLEY to post a video message to TRUMP on YOUTUBE as --> 'Hey TRUMP , See this Champagne CORK , You POPOFF ??? ... I will mail this CORK to You at Mar-a-DUMBO ... eeerrr ... Mar-a-LAGO Golf Club ... And You , TRUMP , can use your imagination , as to the location that I would like to see you position this Champagne CORK ... Get the idea , TRUMP ???' ... :wink:

    Edited 5 times, last by krell ().

  • do you think he's gonna get time in jail :/

    I honestly am *NOT* expert (lawyer) , and do NOT know on TRUMP and possible PRISON duration time as punishment ... Or say , how *long* into the future , via COURT APPEALS (all the way to the USA SUPREME COURT) , that TRUMP could DELAY being put in PRISON *IF* he was found guilty and sentenced to that.

    This J6 D.C. RIOT case is very complex and controversial.

    A completely *different* USA Federal Case against TRUMP , the *SECRET DOCUMENTS* stored at Mar-a-Lago Golf Club situation , I think TRUMP is *Slam Dunk Guilty* on that one ... As to IF that would mean PRISON time duration for TRUMP as punishment , I do *not* know on that either.

    Speculation is the Spice of Life ??? ... :wink:

  • very true! :yesr:

  • do you think he's gonna get time in jail :/

    TRUMP can be a USA PREZ (Year 2024) and also be a PRISON INMATE ...
    That is perfectly LEGAL under USA Laws (existing).

    There is also *speculation* about IF that TRUMP could *PARDON HIMSELF*

    from PRISON , if he was a USA PREZ (again) in Year 2024.
    Or IF that TRUMP was in PRISON , just HOW that the USA 'Secret Service'
    would GUARD him ... I am SURE that they would 'work it out' though.

    The USA News Reporters look at it this way , in terms of wishing -->

    'May You Live in the Interesting Times of TRUMP' ... :suure:

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • TRUMP can be a USA PREZ (Year 2024) and also be a PRISON INMATE ...
    That is perfectly LEGAL under USA Laws (existing).

    There is also *speculation* about IF that TRUMP could *PARDON HIMSELF*

    from PRISON , if he was a USA PREZ (again) in Year 2024.
    Or IF that TRUMP was in PRISON , just HOW that the USA 'Secret Service'
    would GUARD him ... I am SURE that they would 'work it out' though.

    that would be crazy if he actually ran and won again. biden's approval rate is going down so people might vote for him. if he actually runs again from jail that'll be something for the history books, and yeah if he does go to jail he'll be protected by the secret service and given special treatment. Even though I'm not american I'm very interested in U.S politics, when the election comes around I wonder what will happen and who will win. :/


    (USA FEDERAL) Judge grants *limited* Gag Order in Trump's FEDERAL Election interference case (Criminal Felony future Trial) ; 2023.10.16

    Added: I am *Strongly Opposed* to TRUMP being REMOVED from USA State Ballots for USA PREZ in Year 2024 ... *Regardless* of TRUMP Criminal Felony Cases PENDING or even concluded in Year 2024.

    Observation -->

    The above URL makes *clear* what the USA *FEDERAL JUDGE* was thinking (logic) concerning the *approval* of a GAG ORDER (*limited*) with regard to TRUMP ... TRUMP has public 'Internet Message' post tried to *intimidate* -->

    (1) NY State COURT EMPLOYEE about 'dating' USA Senator SCHUMER (NY).

    (2) A *deadly bodily harm* wish for (TOP) USA MILITARY Commander MILLEY.

    TRUMP now has (separate event COURTs) *two* GAG ORDERS in place against him ... IF that TRUMP 'keeps it up' , he *might* end up in JAIL over it ...

    As to TRUMP in JAIL being a 'frivolous' situation , think what YOU choose.

    Edited 5 times, last by krell ().

  • Many Trump's Trails have come and gone with none of them sticking. Even this current one has had a State AG trying to get him. Another Judge thrown out the case because it was ridiculous(attempt to convict on Free Speech). TDS(Trump derangement syndrome) is motivating Judges and AGs to come up with latest reincarnation via a different viewpoint. Its ridiculous and people see it. It is for all to see attempts to convict an Innocent man. The Justice system is being damaged by each of these attempts.

  • Many Trump's Trails have come and gone with none of them sticking.

    TRUMP has been found *Court Guilty* in the NY State event about him *misrepresenting* the value of his REAL ESTATE (net worth).

    TRUMP can APPEAL this to a 'higher level' NY COURT (is his option).

    Personally , I have NO PROBLEM with these Criminal Cases against TRUMP:

    (1) *Secret Documents* stored at Mar-a-Lago by TRUMP (Federal Case in FL)

    (2) This 'Gag Order' one about J6 D.C. RIOT and TRUMP (Federal Case in D.C.)

    (3) USA PREZ 2020 Elector Tampering (GA State Case)

    Conduct the TRIALS , take TESTIMONY , make DECISIONS on them.

    TRUMP can use APPEALS COURTS about any unfairness to him.

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • Oh yeah, with so many Court cases it got lost in the shuffle.

    Trump court cases: A list of all current and pending legal cases on the ex-president's docket, including latest indictment in Georgia
    There are numerous court cases open against Trump, including a new criminal indictment on RICO charges in Georgia. Here's a list of his legal issues.

    This is beyond 'Show me the man and I'll show you the crime'. its ridiculous

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “TRUMP = GAGGED by FEDERAL COURT JUDGE (Limited Manner) ; 2023.10.16” to “TRUMP = GAGGED by FEDERAL COURT JUDGE (Limited Manner) ; FINED $5000 = NY JUDGE ; 2023.10.20”.

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