honestly, more than the weight yoyo crash diet thing which is obviously bad for anyone's health-- and companies should probably invest in nutritionists and stuff like that if they can afford it but i get that smaller companies might not have access to

  • that even if they wanted to. i also wonder about how many idols got forced to take experimental vaccines for the sniffles that wasn't really as safe and effective as advertised to say the least. seems alright so far which is good. not like all those athletes that just dropped dead during a game. hopefully they don't get severe side effects years from now and have that be the reason they have to walk away from their career or worse. seriously wouldn't know who else is worth stanning if something happens to yujin. since were still on the topic of health, they also probably should lessen the amount of times idols get smacked in the head with a toy hammer in variety shows to lessen the chances of 'em developing cte(chronic traumatic encephalopathy) which is also another medical issue that usually only starts to show severe symptoms years, and sometimes decades down the line

    e593613f-53d2-43ae-92d3-a7ff5a0cd114 (1).gif

  • i think you are kind of misguided man

    idols dont do it because they dont know better, they do it BECAUSE they want to and are expected to be unrealistically thin

    what i dont understand is why companies dont get naturally thin people to be idols instead of taking average weight people and forcing them to starve

    u r m o m g a y


  • Can we please destroy the mindset that it's understandable and acceptable for "small companies" not to afford basic things?

    If they can't afford basic facilities and necessities then they shouldn't exist at all, let alone have trainees and debut groups. This mindset normalises the abuse of trainees and idols just because some man decided to get rich off some teenagers' hardwork with minimal expenses.

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