There's something misleading about the Pannchoa's title, because they used only first week's data. It doesn't display the overall picture about the difference between views and ads. Because some of them had an amount of ads first week, but gained traction and has been having stability after the ads.
For example, S-Class has been charting for 7 weeks on Youtube Global and getting between 800-900k almost 2 months later. It has been their 2nd best performance, despite the plataform dropping in popularity.
Some others used ads, removed and the video just died. It's not the same.
Yeah ads bring in viewers that’s how they should be used. To bring traction.
I think first weeks is scrutinized more because of music show wins. Which I think is fair. It would be less of an issue if it didn’t count so much for music shows.
Also what’s up with YouTube wow I forgot DFTF got 17.3 mil views with the same amount of tracking that’s so funny lol. YouTube really died. 💀