I just found this ESC-song and kinda like it

  • I didn't payed too much atention to the songs who had been selected by each country cause I wanted to be surprised in the final. I didn't watched the semi-final so I didn't knew what songs I missed out on who didn't made it further than the semi final.

    Than I saw a YT-shorts on all the songs who didn't made it further than the semi-final and I have to say I kinda like Denmark's song now and think in my opinion they could've deserved to be in the final. But from tht YT-shorts video's comment-section I can kinda understand why people didn't wanted to have them in the final. I mean some people were not too fond of how the dude looks like (I also saw some people caling him "Denmark's damn e-boy") , how popish it is with the amount of generic sounds etc.

    What do you guys think of this song? What were your thoughts about it before ESC had finished and Denmark didn't came to the finals?

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  • Well... I actually don't think that song is that bad.

    Even though not as good as some of the other songs in the second semi-final. And when they were about to announce the last country that was qualified, I was actually rooting for Slovenia instead.

    I heard that after he didn't make it into the semi-final, Danish media started talking trash about him. Like calling him a

    "diva" and stuff...

    But I know that he got hate before that too. I saw people talking trash about him on Twitter. One reason, because he hid his real age.

    And before he was even in the national final, he got hate comments on TikTok and got accused of being an industry plant. (even if he was an industry plant or something, it doesn't give people the right to talk trash about him like that)

    Ironically, I know that he has a song, which is a typical "haters gonna hate" kind of song., so...

    And he has himself said that he doesn't feel affected by hate comments.

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