Apple Music User here considering Spotify, how do you like the platform?

  • Hey~

    With my premium subscription of Apple Music coming to an end *next month and also removing K-Pop from my account I realized a lot of streaming usually happens on Spotify, and I have considered the platform I tried it once in 2014 and thought about opening a new account now that I got a new email. (Unfortunately I was hacked, so lost lot's of things X(:sweat: )

    And I couldn't help but notice and consider Spotify, (surprised to see some C Pop Stars music I enjoy there to its very rare)

    All I was curious about is your opinon on the platform so far. Thank you if you choose to comment

  • I prefer it over everything and i pay for it monthly

    the only problem i have is some j-pop i like not being on there but for the most part everything i listen to is there and when i let it randomly play i end up discovering new music/artists so it's done me some good

  • I have had Spotify for many years but only have the free version as I don't want to pay. The ads can get very annoying and also with free you can't play a full playlist, you can only listen on shuffle. As a music site, I find it okay and you can also access podcasts which I listen to.

  • Spotify is good. Even the free version on pc is pretty manageable. Apple music has better sound quality but imo not to the point I would pick it over spotify since it's also more expensive and I don't think it has a free version

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