Gucci apologizes for late night after party with boisterous music and lights that received 52 police complaints

  • Gucci apologizes for late night after party with boisterous music and lights that received 52 police complaints



    Article: Gucci's after party under controversy, even police were called "People are forming negative sentiment towards even New Jeans and IU because of this"

    Source: Seoul News via Naver

    Gucci's late-night after party received 52 police complaints for loud noises and flashing lights to those living around the area.

    [+3,754, -41] It is pretty disgusting that they behaved this way at the expense of others

    [+2,494, -17] Wow, that did cross the line... The rest of us shouldn't be expected to put up with things just because they're celebrities. Most people have their own lives to go back to the next day, and it's unfair that their sleep is getting disturbed for these parties.

    [+2,304, -38] I understand that this was a successful show attended by a lot of international celebrities, but it shouldn't be on everyone else to be understanding of the traffic restrictions they placed on the bridges and all the noise complaints in the area. To the people who don't care about luxury brands, this was basically just some foreign brand's party, not a cultural or memorial event. A brand should not be able to block citizens from getting to where they need to like this. It's ridiculous.

    [+579, -14] People have to get to work in the morning, man~~~

    [+318, -106] IU needs to be clarifying her plagiarism suspicions, not attending fashion shows

    [+153, -5] I hate how celebrities and people who work in the media act like they're above everyone else. It's disgusting.

    [+149, -6] Celebrities are nothing but clowns used for our entertainment and yet they act like they should receive every special treatment and perk under the sun...

    [+78, -1] Gucci can f*ck off if this is how they're going to behave. It's not like our country's going to go bankrupt just because we don't cater to their whims. Celebrities should be boycotting brands like this too. Sure, you all may be able to stay up all night partying, but the rest of the people around you have jobs to get to early in the morning.

    [+56, -3] We can't forget our past when Japan turned our Cheonggyunggung palace into a zoo... We must preserve our palaces as the historical artifacts that they are.

    [+44, -0] That was quite thoughtless of them... 11:30 p.m. at night, an outdoor party... No consideration at all for those that live in the area, who have jobs to get to the next morning. A luxury brand should behave with more 'class.'


    Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

    [+424] People need to worry about having luxury hearts and minds than wearing luxury goods

    [+183] Wow, they put on a really great fashion show so it's disappointing that their after-party was so careless

    [+131] They were a complete nuisance. Their speakers were so loud that if you had this playing in the mountains, even animals would've called in with complaints ㅋㅋㅋ

    [+121] Honestly, after parties are normal and fine and all but did they really not think that others would be able to hear their loud noises? And if they did know, this is an issue of manners and etiquette...

    [+82] You could hear the speakers from so far away... how were their ear drums not blown out???

    [+80] They should've just started running drug tests inside and penalized anyone with positive results ㅡㅡ

    [+74] One of the reasons why Gucci's image is so cheap

    [+67] If only people had as much consideration for others as they do for these luxury goods?

    [+60] There's a reason Gucci's considered the bottom of the luxury brands

    [+35] All Gucci needed to do was hold their fashion show and quietly leave...

    [+16] I don't even know why you'd have an after party at an outdoor location so late at night...;; just hold it indoors

  • Honestly I have seen a video of jay park performing shirtless in that after party. Idk it’s not a big deal but small crowded brand private parties where performers might perform shirtless feel cheap to me and inappropriate if there are minors (I know performers do that in university festivals or concerts but imo it’s different in private parties).

    If Gucci’s rep is bad in SK I hope Winter don’t sign a BA contract :pepenomad: run before it’s too late.



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