Probably flop thread but at least there'll be decent views in here
People have no idea how impressive it is, afaik only BTS member getting similar built scale
In commemoration of Winter Birthday, DC Winter created bench garden in Seoul forest . It has 10 kinds of trees and flowers planted with the theme of Winter. It custom made located in front of the lake, wow !
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the part is this installation is permanent fixture in Seoul Forest
the Seoul Metropolitan government announced it.
서울숲에 에스파 ‘윈터숲’ 조성…벤치·식물 팬클럽이 기부
[헤럴드경제=김용재 기자] 서울숲에 걸그룹 에스파 멤버 윈터 이름의 벤치 정원이 생겼다. 서울시는 걸그룹 에스파 멤버인 윈터 팬클럽의 기부로 서울숲 공원 물놀이터 인근 중앙호수 산책로에 벤치정원을 조성했다고 7일 밝혔다. ‘윈터숲’으로 명명된 벤치정원은 20㎡ 부지에 디자인 벤치를…
They must be donating huge sum of money, how cool it is
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She loves it