Often times from the same group and never apologized. But this is almost always "forgotten" or brushed aside by their fans. But they keep repeating about incidents from idols who actually APOLOGIZED like Irene CONSTANTLY. Maybe it should be fair to also constantly reminded of what their idols did and NEVER apologized for?
There are many idols who never answered for their casual racism and colorism
kpop fans do not care when it comes to their faves. there's no point in wanting apologies because to me it means nothing most of the time. people are coming for irene because they are jealous. same with how people dog pile on wonyoung when their faves have literally mocked cultures and said offensive things. this is just how kpop is i guess, i'm not wasting my time on idols that don't care or choose to be offensive.
It can be frustrating to see celebrities and media personalities perpetuating inadequate or harmful narratives, especially when it comes to issues like racism. While it's important to have open discussions and educate others about these topics, it can feel exhausting to constantly have to explain why a respectful culture is necessary. Sometimes, the weight of these discussions can feel so heavy that it's hard to even put together a coherent thought or sentence, but it's crucial to continue fighting against harmful rhetoric and promoting empathy and understanding. As a student, I remember writing essays about racism in to kill a mockingbird and it's disheartening to see that the same conversations still need to be had today.
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