Posts by seylen

    It can be frustrating to see celebrities and media personalities perpetuating inadequate or harmful narratives, especially when it comes to issues like racism. While it's important to have open discussions and educate others about these topics, it can feel exhausting to constantly have to explain why a respectful culture is necessary. Sometimes, the weight of these discussions can feel so heavy that it's hard to even put together a coherent thought or sentence, but it's crucial to continue fighting against harmful rhetoric and promoting empathy and understanding. As a student, I remember writing essays about racism in to kill a mockingbird and it's disheartening to see that the same conversations still need to be had today.

    Oh, how much negativity I've heard about the fact that I've had several partners. I am very amorous and can have feelings for several partners at the same time. I've been blamed for that by guys, obviously not girls. I want to live to see the patriarchy breаkdоwn, then the world will be a better place.

    I guess I'm done with the Internet today because I spent 10 minutes looking at this girl's nails. I watched the video without sound because I dislike listening to this kind of stuff. Yeah, her nail design is really crazy. I liked one idea from 05:10 onwards. I think I'm going to do something similar for my TikTok.